10: { Every Evade Player's Nightmare }

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{ POV }
{ Third Person }


Words cannot describe how incredibly emo everyone is with their lore and backstories.

Anyways! Everyone is back with the usual, getting tormented and chased.

"THIS MAP SUCKS" Screamed Matthew, being chased by a bot while circling the fountain in the Neighborhood map.

Coffee sat down on one of the cars and watched Matthew as he suffers and struggles to get the bot to go away.

"This is utterly sad to watch." Dexter spoke, who sat beside Coffee as they both laughed.

Meanwhile, Alex looking for the lever to open the saferoom while Leo and Sora talk somewhere in the map.

The bot was quite fast, almost catching up to Matthew until the round was over and it was time for the 3rd round, a special round.

Coffee closed the rewards panel and sat down on one of the benches, waiting for the round to start.

"( I have no good feeling about this special round. )" Coffee thought to herself, feeling more paranoid as the timer goes down eventually to 0:00.

Then the beautiful, delicate and punchable golden words that said:

Special Round
Angry Munci

"..." Coffee remained speechless as she stood up. "The amount of pure rage and distress my body is engulfing." She spoke to herself, visibly wanting to punch something whether it's the water or the concrete road.

She quickly sprinted away every time she hears Munci's idle sound getting louder and realized she can temporarily hide in the sewers.

As she made her way to the staircase that leads to the underground, she spots the others heading to the same direction.

And before they even made it to the staircase, as they look up they just see the embodiment of nightmares and terror fly up in the sky, startling all of them. Some of them fell on the ground while the others struggle to run out of shock, but somehow Munci downed them in one swoop, and the round ended.


"As if it hasn't happened several times before." Alex said as he passed by Leo, stretching. "It's absolutely terrifying to look at." He added.

Startled, everyone backs up when Matthew slid in the scene, exhausted and rather with a traumatized face. "Can we not play this map? EVER again?"

Everyone exchanged glances and laughed.

The iconic laughs of a joyous group of friends.

Just a normal day.



"Are you done yeettttt?" The shorter figure pouted, glancing over a taller figure's shoulder.

( RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS) Evade ShenanigansWhere stories live. Discover now