3: { An.. odd encounter }

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{ POV }
{ Coffee }


I wander around the Construct map, straying away from the group.. or at least, Dexter, Leo and Sora.

I was gonna go look for those two homosexuals, especially Matthew since he planned this break session from the constant running, yet, he's nowhere to be found.. so does Alex. Well that's not sus at all.

..What's even more suspicious is that; These two oblivious idiots are obviously crushing on each other but both are clueless as fuck. Matt is bisexual with a preference for boys, and Al.. well, openly gay.

I'm still in disbelief how these two aren't a couple yet, it's so obvious.. seriously.

The rest of the group including me already knows the thing between them, and whenever we tease them about it, they'd deny it, saying they're both friends.

What a pathetic lie.

I walk around, scouting for the two in the surface but was unsuccessful. I glanced at the doors that led to the tunnels below, surely they're not under the surface away from the group.. 

I froze in place, getting flashbacks when I was still in high school.. I constantly walked in on my classmates doing.. stuff.. in the stalls..

I shivered, letting out a 'blegh' noise before approaching the entrance and made my way down the stairs.

The lights in the tunnels were dim, but still supporting enough light source to show the path. I went forward, exploring each direction that the tunnels led me to while trying to stay silent with my footsteps, if these two were making out then I needed to snap a picture and expose what the fuck they've been doing.

I walked down the hall until I heard talking which I instantly knew was Matthew's voice, and holy fuck why did it sound so fruity.

I heard him murmur something, and then, of course, Alex responded.

..God I wanted to leave right now, but being a dumbass I just stood still. I sighed under my breath and peeked from behind the wall, my jaw dropping.

Matthew was pinning Alex against the wall with one hand while the other was holding Al's chin, making Alex face Matthew while their faces were inches apart.

I rolled my eyes and took a photo, my phone was on silent mode and I lowered it's volume so it wouldn't make a 'snap' noise.

I casually walk out of the wall and threw an empty cola can at the back of Matt's head, catching both Al and Matt's attention, both flushed in embarrassment.

I leaned my side on the wall, staring at them both with a raised eyebrow. "And I thought that you both were still gonna be oblivious little shits." I scoffed, fidgeting my hood's strings.

Matthew spoke first before Alex. "W- w.. wait- Hold on! I can explain!-"

"Save it," I interrupted him, a smirk forming on my face as I pulled out my phone and swayed it, causing the two's jaws to drop. "this thing can explain it, to everyone." I chuckled.

Matthew froze, blinking repeatedly as he darted towards me. "COFFEE! DELETE THAT PHOTO YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

I laughed like a maniac and ran off. "Come get it if you can! Get a room next time!" I teased, running up the stairs.

Alex also followed the both of us, calling for Matthew to calm down.

As I ran up the stairs, I managed to exit out of the door that was the nearest to the roof where the others were. I glanced at the door upon hearing yelling. I quickly rushed to the group and turned around mid-way, smirking at Matthew.

I sway my phone one more time, this time showing the photo I took which led Matthew sprinting at me and tackling me to the ground while I hold out my phone away from him.

"GIVE ME THE FUCKING PHONE" Matthew screams in my ear, however it didn't effect me at all. I was too busy laughing.

Alex quickly rushed over to Matthew and grabbed him off me while trying to hold him back. "Coffee! I'm so sorry-"

"Fool." I chuckled.

Sora went to my side and held out a hand, offering to help me get up. "What's going on?"

Instead, I gave him my phone and stood up myself, dusting my outfit as I turned to Sora. "Look at the photo, will you guys?" I smirked at Matthew and Alex as Dexter and Leo went behind Sora to take a look.

The three took a while to process the photo, eventually their expressions turned into awkward and shocked faces, averting their eyes to the two.

Alex and Matthew glanced at each other while I simply crossed my arms and chuckled.

"I knew something was fruity down there." 

Alex coughed instantly within seconds, dropping Matthew who also coughed but rather sounded like he was choking.

...That's what she sa-

( RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS) Evade ShenanigansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora