16: { Doppelgangers? }

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{ POV }
{ Third Person }


"Dexter! Wait up!" Leo called out as he tried to keep up with Dexter. 

He were genuinely left speechless when he and the others heard the fight between him and Coffee. They don't usually have an actual heated argument.. that left them wondering what the possible reason could be.

He took a left turn and.. didn't see Dexter anywhere. Leo sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "Dexter! Where the fuck did you go?"

As Leo continue to walk, desperately looking around, he spots a black figure in a fair distance.

"Dexter! There you are, you.." Leo trailed off, eyes widening as it slowly start to fill with horror.

Dexter was standing in front of a body, covered in blood.. and holding a knife on his left hand and a gun on his right.

His back was facing Leo, yet he could feel the immense malevolent and murderous aura coming from 'Dexter.'

"D.. Dexter..?" Leo called out in a silent and slightly fearful voice.

'Dexter' slowly turned around, his face was dark and covered in blood. He turned his body around to face Leo.. he was completely covered in blood.

He smiled in a creepy type of manner, slowly raising his gun and aimed it at Leo, his finger inching closer to the trigger.

Leo was frozen in place, not knowing what to do. Running and hiding would be pointless, he knows how skilled Dexter is in tracking, plus, he's faster than Leo.

Suddenly, 'Dexter' looked to his side in an instant as another figure, identical to him, tackled him to the ground as his gun was thrown to the side near Leo and his knife somewhere far.

Leo flinched as he focused on the two.

There were.. two Dexters?

The blood on the Dexter he saw earlier was gone, they were both.. identical.. no differences at all. One was pinning the other down, yet Leo doesn't know who's the actual Dexter

"I thought I got rid of you!" The one pinning the other yelled, trying to hold the other down and prevent them from grabbing their backup knife.

"Well good news, I'm alive! Back to ruin your fucking life!" The pinned one yelled back and successfully snatched their backup pocket knife.

The other one glanced towards Leo and spotted the gun. "Leo! Fucking grab the gun and-"

"Don't listen to him! If you want me to live, shoot the shit out of this fuck!" 

They both acted the exact same as Dexter, looked like Dexter, hell, even has the same strength as Dexter. There was no possible way of telling who was the real one, and Leo had to shoot one of them.

He looked at the gun on the ground and picked it up with a shaky hand, looking back at the two.

One had a pocket knife, and the other with the knife that was thrown on the floor. Both of them were trying to stab each other, but were equally strong.

( RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS) Evade ShenanigansWhere stories live. Discover now