17: { Too late. }

24 1 0

{ POV }
{ Third Person }


Everything wasn't normal anymore. 

 Coffee ran through the halls of the Mansion, desperately trying to get the bots off her tail, her glitchy coughs making it harder. She took a sharp turn in a corner and waited for the bots to turn, she slipped through them and placed a barrier all in one swift motion. 

The barrier rapidly decreased the bot's speed and basically stopped them as Coffee got far enough for the bot to go elsewhere. 

 She stopped by a wall and coughed, trying to regain her breath. She dropped herself and sat down, leaning her back on the wall and stared at the ceiling. Her thoughts were focused on various topics and questions relating to the recent events. She sighed and relaxed her body, only to tense up again upon being startled by a couple of rushed footsteps that was getting louder. 

She quickly rose up to her feet and spotted a vibrant blue figure appear from a corner, looking panicked and cautious. 

 "..Sora?" Coffee called out. She still hasn't gotten used to him ever since their last interaction, but the clear panic on his face got her curious. 

 Sora approached Coffee and grabbed both of her shoulders with his hands, making Coffee jump. "There you are! I've been searching literally everywhere!" 

 Coffee looked puzzled, she didn't expect anyone but Sora to search for her. 

"Coffee, when we were dragged into that public server by Matt, did you by any chance spotted a red-brown haired girl with a bun? Yellow and white horns? Yellow cardigan with white smudges?" He continued, trying to describe this girl in the most specific details as he can. 

 Coffee replayed a video of her staring at a girl in the distance. Sora's description perfectly fit the girls appearance and nodded. 

 Sora's panic face turned into a shocked one, rather looking like everything was ending. He lets go of her shoulders and backed up, covering his mouth. "No.." "Oh no.. oh no.. oh no.." Sora repeated the two words, driving Coffee into a concerned state. "I should've warned you, I should've told Meraki that I know about her! I'm such a fucking dumbass!"

Coffee flinched. Despite hearing people curse around her all the time, Sora never seemed the type of curse, which surprised her. 

 "H.. hey, Sora, how about you calm down for a moment and explain to me what you mean?" Coffee spoke, trying to ease Sora's panic. 

 Sora stared at Coffee. "It's nothing to calm down about! Coffee, you're literally playing with death!" He shrieked, causing Coffee to jump. 

 "Sora, what the fuck do you mean?!" Coffee was either confused, shocked or mad. She demanded for a good explanation. 

 Sora tried to control his breathing and sighed. "That girl isn't any ordinary player. You were found by.." He paused, hesitating to continue. "someone who has complete control over us. Even over Meraki and Cupid." 

 Coffee took a moment to process Sora's words. "Care.. care to run me over by that?" 

 "You aren't from here, Coffee. And she knows that damn well. You're either gonna get sent back to where you originally came from or get.. deleted.." He simplified, smacking his face with his hand. "I'm sorry, I tried to warn you before, but I looked rather like an idiot and you misunderstood it." At this point, he was on the verge of tears. 

( RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS) Evade ShenanigansWhere stories live. Discover now