Chapter 4

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"Ha! Got it!" The Pokéball curved and whirled towards a small fletching under an oak tree, hitting it, and covering it in a strange blue glow.

The Pokéball stopped, wiggled, then made a clicking noise before stopping entirely.

"Yes!" Juliana grinned, running towards the ball and picking it up. "Great job, Julie!" Nemona shouted from far away.

"Thanks!" Juliana shouted back.

She lifted up the ball so it shone in the light of the sun. "Doodle. I'm gonna name you Doodle."

Nemona grinned from afar. "Again with the silly names, eh?"

  "Oh hush, my names are perfect!" Julie huffed.

"That's how YOU feel, not your Pokémon. You should ask them about that maybe-"


Nemona and Juliana jumped and looked around. "What was that!?" Nemona cried.

"It sounded like a Pokémon-" Julie added.

"No kidding. Let's go find it!" Nemona shouted.

The two of them rushed to a ledge and stared down below. Over by the shore, a large mechanical-looking Pokémon laid, looking beat up and tired.

Three small houndoom stood in front of it, growling and barking.

Houndoom! She remembered. I could probably beat one or two- but definitely not three. Oh man, what am I gonna do? Juliana stared the Pokémon up and down fiercely.

"Oh- I think it might be hurt!" Juliana shouted, pointing over at the scratches on the mechanical-looking Pokémon's chest and arms.

"I'm going to help it!"

Nemona whirled towards her. "Are you crazy!? How are you going to get down there!? What if that strange Pokémon is hostile?! What if it attacks you?!"

Juliana looked Nemona in the eyes. "Then you can go get help, but rule number one, never leave a Pokémon to get hurt. Nibbles, Doodle, come on out!" Nemona looked increasingly worried at first.

She sighed and then muttered; "No, no, your right." Nemona jumped up with energy.

"Let's go, Quaxly, time for a battle!"

"AGIASS!" The Pokémon cried again. All three Houndoom whimpered and turned to run away. "Oh, we don't need to fight I guess. Let's go see if that Pokémon is okay-"

Suddenly, the ledge cracked and broke, pulling Juliana down towards the beach faster than she could count.

"Juliana!" Nemona cried frantically, stepping forward. What if this is it? What if I die here, right now. I'll never actually become champion, I'll never become an artist like I've always dreamed...

Her thoughts trailed through her head as she plummeted towards the ground. The strange Pokémon looked up, saw her falling, and used the last of it's energy to spring forward and catch her.

Juliana looked up at the Pokémon that saved her as they landed softly onto the warm sand.

"Julie! Julie, are you okay!?" Nemona shouted from the top of the cliff. Juliana took a wobbling step out of the grasp of the strange Pokémon.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Stay up there, I'll find a way back up!" Juliana shouted.

The Pokémon cried out and started to fall over.

Juliana gasped and wrapped her arms around the large Pokémon before it could hit the ground. "Heavy-" She muttered.

Juliana laid the Pokémon slowly on it's side, letting it's head rest on the sand particles. "Hm. What do I use? A Potion?"

She reached into her bag and pulled out a small potion. Juliana sprayed the potion on the Pokémon.


She sighed heavily. "I didn't want to resort to this, but, I'll have to feed you my mom's sandwich. Be careful, you might get really sick from this." Juliana grinned.

The Pokémon stiffened and gave her a suspicious glance.

"Don't worry, it won't actually make you sick. You'll be fine. Probably."

She grabbed the plastic bag containing the sandwich and opened it. Juliana pulled out the sandwich and held it up to the Pokémon's mouth.

The Pokémon sniffed the sandwich suspiciously before opening it's mouth and closing it around the sandwich. "Jeez- At least chew it! Wait no, don't chew it, it probably tastes very bad."

"Agias." The Pokémon agreed, looking up at Juliana.

She smiled. "Oh, don't thank me, I wasn't planning on eating it anyways."

The Pokémon jumped up and arched it's back. A bright blue light covered the silhouette of it, glowing like fire. The Pokémon jumped up into the air, and started to change it's shape.

It jumped down onto the beach with a roar.

"Wow-" Juliana gasped.

The Pokémon looked so different.

It no longer stood on all fours. Instead, it floated in midair with the blasts of two small rockets where it's legs used to be. The arms flew up to it's side, ending in a point where it's claws sat.

It stared at her expectantly and beckoned towards a large wall. "How am I supposed to get through a wa-"
BOOM! Rock particles flew in all directions. "Wow." Julie's eyes widened.

The Pokémon started towards the cave. Juliana stood up and ran to follow the mysterious pokemon.

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