Chapter 20

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Juliana brushed her hand against the smooth wall of the cave, flicking her gaze around in the dim light to see if she could spot the Herba Mysica.

"Yes! It's here!" Arven shouted, running towards a small area with moss-covered rocks.

He reached out to grab the small Herba Mystica as Juliana strode closer.

"We found it." She gasped. "That bombardeir was so big, I was almost sure that it ate it all."

Arven nodded as if he had the same thought. "Well, we're lucky then."

He stood up, pulling out the deep purple book from his backpack pocket. "Now, let's see what the book has to say." Arven said, scrolling through the pages.

The book! She remembered. Her mind trailed back to the fusion of the legendaries, and she shuddered, feeling creeped out.

He waited a moment, until he found the right page, then muttered something along the lines of: "Aha".

Juliana flicked up her head. "You found it?"

He nodded, opening his mouth to read the page out loud.

"Bitter Herba Mystica's great for your circulation! It really gets the blood flowing! And that warms you right up, nice and toasty, even boosting the immune system! ...Or so it says."

Juliana brightened a bit. "Ooh, Sounds good!"

Arven nodded again, closing the book.

"Alright! Time to make some sandwiches!" He said, pumping his fist into the air.

. . .

Juliana pressed her hand to the rock as Arven walked towards her with the freshly-prepared sandwich.

"Thanks! This sandwich looks so good!" She said excitedly, taking it out from his hand.

"No problem! Hope you enjoy! Oh, Aaaanddd, it comes with a side of Titan badge, as a token of our friendship!" Arven announced proudly, dropping the badge into the palm of her hand.

She smiled and clipped it to her bag where she put all the badges she received. "Thank you." She said gratefully.

He nodded with pride and sat down on the rock across from her.

Just when Juliana was about to take a bite of her sandwich, Mira's Pokéball wiggled, and released it.

"What!? Not you again!" Arven cried, annoyed.

Mira padded over to her to stare at her with hungry eyes.

"I think it came out because I said 'sandwich'." Juliana said with a giggle.

Arven scowled at Mira as Juliana reached up to it's mouth.

Miraidon casted a glance at Arven. "Hmph. Is it trying to say thanks or something?" He asked, more of a question directed at nobody.

"Agians." Mira replied.

Arven turned his head away for a moment. "Well, good thing I made extra."

Mira turned back to Juliana with glittering eyes, taking the sandwich into it's mouth in one bite. Miraidon chewed the sandwich loudly and quickly.

Arven ignored the loud SNARF! SNORF! sounds and turned to Juliana. "Your helping me out a whole bunch with the hard stuff, so I think it's fair you should get more." He explained, pulling off a piece of his sandwich to hand to her.

She took it gratefully, and reached up to bite off a piece. "Thanks."

It was silent for a moment while they sat there.

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