Chapter 10

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"You know you can set a destination on your map, right? It makes it easier to get where your going." Nemona explained, waving her hands around.

"Tch. Giving her beginner tips." Arven said from behind Nemona.

She jumped, almost knocking into Juliana. "Idiot." She frowned. "And it's not a beginner tip. It's completely essential to be able to get to all the Pokémon gyms in Paldea." Nemona huffed.

Arven raised an eyebrow. "But that won't be necessary, because she's coming with me on a hunt for the Herba Mystica."

Nemona barked a laugh. "You mean that silly book of lies? Sure, good luck with that, but Juliana is coming with me. Right?"

Juliana's eyes widened, she hadn't realized this would be such a problem to either of them.

"She's going where ever she wants to go, right?" Arven scowled. "Yeah! And that's with me-"

Suddenly, her phone rang, interrupting her thoughts.

"Hello. Cassiopeia here. How's it coming along?" Juliana froze. "Uh. I'm just leaving."

"Great. you can find all the team star bases on your map." Cassiopeia explained.

Nemona glared at Julie's phone. "What!? Team star isn't her problem!"

There was a brief silence.

"I thought you said she could go where ever she wanted to, right Nemona? And Arven?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, chills running down their spines.

Cassiopeia chuckled. "Exactly. I need to go now, good luck Juliana."

The phone beeped and went silent.

Nemona huffed a long sigh. "I know we've been running our mouths and all, but it's up to you where you go. It's your treasure hunt, and we shouldn't be fighting over you like this." She said.

Juliana smiled. "Oh it's fine, it makes me feel good to know I am wanted."

Arven and Juliana both barked a laugh, then looked at each other.

"Anyways, I should go now. I might stay in town for a few while I figure out where to go next." Nemona nodded.

"Okay, you do you! Good luck on your treasure hunt!" Juliana smiled at both of them.

A treasure...of our very own... For me, that's got to be Ma— Er, my big dream of tracking down the Herba Mystica, that is! Once we get those herbs, I'll make you the absoluuute best sandwich you've had in your life!" Arven said. Nemona shot him a suspicious look, then looked back at Juliana.

"Anyways, byeee Julie!" Juliana gave her an honest smile, then turned to run away.

Her Pokéball wiggled, revealing Miradon encased in a blue light. "Arg! What'd you come out for!?"

To her surprise, Nemona started laughing.

"I think it came out because you said 'sandwich'!" She giggled.

Arven furrowed his brow, turning his head away. "Well, you're not getting one..."

Juliana grinned, reaching up to pet Miradon. "Hi Mira!"

Arven frowned at her.

"Wait, hold on, don't tell me you actually named that thing Mira." Juliana rolled her eyes.

"Agias!" It smiled, looking at Arven. "Yes, I know. Sometimes he can be ridiculous." Juliana grinned, turning to look at him.

He huffed, then turned his head away.

Miraidon glanced around at the sky, then expectantly at Juliana. "Oh! I think it wants you to get on it's back!" Nemona cried. Juliana blinked.

"Really?" She asked innocently.

"Agias." It nodded. Juliana jumped happily, then ran towards Mira with a smile.

She jumped onto it's back and grabbed the handles that grew out of Mira's shoulder.

"Wow! I've never ridden a Pokémon aside from Latias! This is so cool!" She cried.

Arven and Nemona gave her a curious look. "What's a 'Latias'?" Arven asked.

"Oh... it's nothing..." She sighed. She looked away from their disappointed faces, staring at the large clouds in the sky. "I'll tell you about it later." She promised. "But I'm leaving to town decide where I'm going next."

They both nodded, then turned back towards the school. "Bye then!" Nemona shouted as Juliana ran down the stairs. Arven nodded.
Juliana waved, then continued.

"Where do I go next?" She muttered to herself, looking around at the people near her. Maybe I can go think over some ice cream. Juliana frowned. That did sound appealing. Really appealing. But she needed to decide soon what she wanted to do.

She sighed loudly, placing her hands over her cheeks tiredly.
She could go and fight the titan Pokémon, which would probably make Arven happy. Or she could go and fight the Pokémon gyms, which would also make Nemona happy. Fighting team star was the least of her worries, but if she went, she could have some more time to decide.

"Arg!" She growled, rubbing her forehead. Why is this so hard? Why can't I decide between these? Juliana thought, reaching her hand up to adjust her hat.

She thought again for a moment. Okay. I'm going to fight one of the Titan Pokémon first, then I'll see how it goes, and then make my next decision.

She pulled out her phone and marked 'The Stony Cliff Titan' on her map.

"Alright, here I come." She smiled determinedly. "I'm ready."

Miradon looked up at her, then turned it's head back towards the large gates. Mira stretched out before rushing forward with determination.

The violet book- a Pokémon violet fanfiction Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon