Chapter 3

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"Nibbles! Leafeage!"

The small green cat Pokémon jumped sideways, dodging a water gun from the opposing Quaxly, and shooting a leafeage towards the small duck Pokémon. The Quaxly cried out as it was pelted by leaves.

"Ha ha! I am SO gonna win this!" Juliana shouted, waving her arms around dramatically.

"Let's not get too cocky, eh?" Nemona grinned, holding her Pokéball up to her face. Juliana smiled. "Fine, let's finish this then, shall we?" She asked as Nemona nodded fiercely.

"Quaxly!" Nemona shouted, throwing out her arms. "Growl, now!"

The small duck Pokémon jumped into the air, letting out a loud growl before jumping back down to the court. Nibbles hissed, falling backwards.

"Uh oh- Nibbles!" Juliana shouted frantically. She stopped and closed her eyes. "No, no. Take a deep breath- it's okay..."

Sprigatito looked up at Juliana before closing it's eyes too, taking in the salty air of the ocean, listening to the crash of the waves, and feeling the rocky pattern of the battle court beneath it.

"Nibbles. Now!" Juliana shouted. The small Sprigatito jumped to the right, and summoned the power of the leaves. "Leafage! Go!"

The leaves shoved themselves towards the Quaxly, who tried to escape, but wasn't quite fast enough.

"Ha ha! See? Told you!" Juliana danced around and shouted across the court. "Well, I mean- You still did great! That was an AWSOME first battle here! Thanks a lot!"

Nemona grinned and ran towards her. "No problem! But- wow! You and Spri-Nibbles-" She corrected herself. "-really are the perfect match! Good job!"

Juliana smiled, shaking Nemona's hand. "Thanks!" She beamed.

"How about a second match?" Nemona asked eagerly.

"Nemona." Director Clavell boomed.

"Agh! How long have you been there!?" Nemona jumped.

"I've been here your entire match...?" Director Clavell looked confused. "That's not the point though. Champions have to be understanding, and I'm sure Nibbles is worn out. after all, that battle was pretty intense. And you'll have plenty of time to battle her, after all, she is in your class."

Nemona sighed heavily. "Awww, your right, I GUUEEESSS..."

Why isn't Director Clavell yelling at her? My mom would have screamed at me for being 'disrespectful'. Juliana thought, confused.

Director Clavell smiled and nodded.

"Sorry Juliana, and Nib-" "Julie- Just call me Julie." Juliana said, accidentally cutting Nemona off.

"Oh, sorry I cut you off, I really didn't mean to- it's just a habit." She bowed her head, expecting Nemona to start shouting at her.

Juliana had wanted to make sure that she could find a good friend before giving out her nicknames left and right. Like with my old nickname. May. Juliana May Amor.

"Jeez! It's fine, really!" Nemona laughed, placing her arms behind her head.

"Really? Your not mad?" She asked, looking down at her feet. Director Clavell gave her a pitying look, almost like he knew exactly what she was thinking.

Oh, he probably does- She realized. Because he heard the fight.
"Oh. My. Gosh. If you ask me that one more time, I'm going to be mad!" Nemona grinned, placing her hand on Juliana's arm. "Right. Sorry- I mean, thanks." She looked up nervously with a smile.

Is she gonna bring this up later? Use it against me whenever she can? Or is she just... different? I guess, maybe not all people are like mom. Brenden wasn't, but I thought he was the only one. Juliana thought.

Not until the end... not until he didn't trust me anymore...

"I should be heading back to the school now." Director Clavell announced, turning to walk away. "And Nemona," The school Director turned to stare at the two of them. "Take care of Juliana."

Juliana scoffed with a grin clear on her face. "Ahem. Excuse me, did you forget I used to be apart of Hoenn's ELITE FOUR?"

Director Clavell smiled. "Just take care is all." He coughed out, walking toward the stairs.

Nemona whirled towards Juliana. "YOU USED TO BE APART OF THE ELITE FOUR?!?!" She gasped loudly. "Uh- yeah. Kinda forgot to mention that."

Julie smiled nervously. "REALLY?!" Nemona jumped up and down excitedly. "What Pokémon did you have? Were you really strong? I bet you were really strong. How many people did you battle? Tell me, please!"

Juliana thought for a moment with a smile.

"Well, I had the greatest partner ever. He was a swampert, and I named him Muddy. He was the best... Then, there was Acro. The pink Crobat I found as a Golbat while saving the world. Hmm- There was Flood, Glide, and Chops. Kyoger, Latias, and Meditite. That's it really. According to Brenden, I was the strongest trainer he had ever met. And I battled a lot of trainers, almost everyday. That's all I got."

Nemona seemed so excited, Juliana thought she might faint.

"How did you become an Elite Four member?" Nemona shouted excitedly. "Well, after I saved the world from team Aqua and caught Kyoger, I was gonna aim for being champion, but decided against it because it would have been too much for me to handle. Back then, of course I could handle it now. But every one decided it would be a great idea to reward me in some way."

She sighed heavily. "At least before they took away my Pokémon..." Nemona looked at her confusedly. "What?"

Juliana looked up at her. "Oh, it's nothing! Sorry." Nemona shrugged, but shot Juliana a suspicious glance.

"But I'm gonna catch a new Pokémon team, and they are all gonna be the best!" Juliana said, determined.

"Then let's go catch some!" Nemona shouted, pumping her fist into the air.

That's right, Julie thought. I have something to look forward to here.

Nemona smiled and ran towards the stairs. "Come on, come one! Let's go!"

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