Chapter 6

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"Isn't it beautiful?"

Nemona leaned against the railing, smelling the scent of fresh leaves and trees. "Nature as far as the eye can see!"

Juliana's braid billowed in the wind. "Look! Over there, you can see our school!" Nemona pointed towards a city. "Wow. That's our school?" Juliana gasped.

"Yep! looks exciting right?!" Nemona asked eagerly. Juliana smiled. "Of course! I can't wait to make new friends!" Nemona's eyes glittered.

"Great! Let's go! I'll meet you at Los Platos! apresúrate!" She said, pointing at a small town.

"Okay! See you there!" Juliana called as Nemona climbed down the ladder. Nemona smiled and waved confidently.

  "Okay, now I'm on my own I guess..." She sighed. "I should go catch some Pokémon." She decided.

She turned around to climb down the ladder, but tripped over the edge.

"Ah!" She cried, holding onto the ledge. "Help! Someone!" Her Pokéball wiggled and Miradon jumped out, encased in a blue light.

"Agias." It smirked, looking down at her. "Okay, yes I get it, I'm clumsy. NOW HELP ME PLEASE!" Miradon grabbed her and wrapped it's arms around her, jumping down the light house painlessly.

She gasped loudly, breathing in, and out. "Th-thanks." She rubbed her arm as Miradon set her down. It nodded with a smile as Juliana returned it.

She turned towards the lush, small field, still breathing in slowly. "Alright. Here I go!"
She started to jog towards a small pond.

Juliana gasped loudly.

There, in the pond, a small brown wooper.

"Wooper!" She cried happily. She threw a small Pokéball towards it. It turned to her at the last second, it's eyes wide.

The ball wiggled once, twice, three times before stopping. "Ha! Yes! Your mine!" She held the ball up to her face. "Your new name is Whopper." The ball wiggled as if the Pokémon inside was squirming.

"It's okay, I'm going to take care of you." She smiled, nodding at the ball before placing it into her belt. "Time to look for more Pokémon to catch."

She turned and looked around for a moment.

The sceneary reminded her heavily of her days in Hoenn. When she first started her journey with her small mudkip.

Juliana started to feel overwhelming despair and guilt, trapped in her horrible memories.

She couldn't breath, couldn't move, couldn't do anything but relive her memories of everyone's accusations.

"I can't believe you did that, May." Brenden said, a glare clear on his face. "You- I- I'm shocked beyond words."

Juliana looked down at the ground, feeling tears fill up her eyes. "Brenden! It wasn't-" "SAVE IT!" He screamed. "Get out of my sight. I never want to see you again."

Juliana felt tear droplets roll down her face.

But it wasn't me! She thought, shoving a box into the moving truck in front of her.

Without thinking, Juliana had grabbed her cap, thrown it on the ground, and jumped into the van, slamming it closed.

The memory faded, reminding her to breath again.

She took a deep breath, and focused on what she could see, hear, and feel.

Juliana turned slowly to stare at the lush trees and grass around her.

"Wow it sure is peaceful out here." The quiet calmness of the field was relaxing. It made Juliana want to lay down and stare at the clouds, which would make it easier for her to forget all her problems.

I'm allowed to relax, right? I don't want to keep Nemona waiting, but I deserve a small break, don't I? She sat down, looking up at the clouds. She pulled out a candy bar from her bag and unwrapped it.

PAT PAT PAT! Juliana jumped up, looking around. A small ralts stared at her, not far away. Her face relaxed.

Ralts! She knew that Pokémon, because her old friend Wally had asked her to help him catch one back in Hoenn.

The memory made her wince as she tried to exhale slowly.

"Oh." She smiled. "Want some?"

She snapped off a piece of the candy bar and handed it to the ralts. It smiled gratefully up at her before opening it's mouth wide and eating it in one bite.

She giggled, placing her hand up to her mouth. "Wanna come along with me?" She asked, holding up a Pokéball. "Ral ralts!" It agreed, holding a hand up to the pokeball.

With a small click, the ralts glowed blue before disappearing into the ball.

"Great! I'm gonna name you Sweetarts." The ball wiggled as Juliana beamed. She let Nibbles come out of it's ball and sit on her shoulder while she walked through the field.

"Alright, time to continue."

She stood up and walked towards the small bridge. There was a rustle in the trees nearby and turned. A dark figure was bolting in a different direction.

"Hey wait!" She called after them. They stopped for a second, turning towards her.

She caught a flash of blue eyes, before they turned and ran away. "We're they watching me... the entire time?" She flicked her eyes to Nibbles, who gave the trees a suspicious look.

She sighed. "Alright, this is creepy, I'm going into the town now."

She continued down the path towards Las Platos.

As soon as she stepped into the town, she heard a shout. "Heeyyyy Julianaaaa!" Her head snapped towards the direction of the Pokémon station. "Oh! Nemona!" She beamed and jogged towards her.

"Hey! How's it going?" Nemona asked her excitedly. "Great! I caught two new Pokémon!"

She had officially decided not to mention how she almost fell off the watchtower, or the stalking figure.

"That's great! I can't wait to battle you later!" She grinned. "Same!" Nemona smirked back at her.

Nemona thought for a second. "What was weird though, was I saw Arven back towards the field. I thought he had gone ahead to the school already."

She crossed her arms and lifted her chin. "It was really strange."

Juliana jumped and almost bumped into one of the people walking by her. "Sorry." She apologized to the person. Juliana looked back at Nemona.

"What? What is it? You saw him, didn't you!?" Nemona gasped. "What happened? Tell me, tell me!"

Juliana looked around uncomfortably for a second. "Let's go somewhere else to talk about it."  She said, grabbing Nemona's arm and pulling her closer to the Pokémon station.

  "I saw someone near the trees. They were staring at me for some reason. Do you think it could've been Arven?"

Nemona's eyes widened. "You think!?" She shouted. "Of course it was him." Juliana sighed and turned towards the exit to the town.

"We should probably get to the school." Juliana sighed, Nibbles meowed at her. She smiled. "Yes! Let's go!" Nemona shouted.

They both turned and ran towards the exit. "Race ya there!" Nemona called. "Hey that's not fair! I don't even know where the school is!" Their laughter echo through the town, catching the attention many strangers.

"It's okay bud, You'll get better soon." Arven whispered to the Pokéball he held close to his heart. "I'll make sure of it."

The violet book- a Pokémon violet fanfiction Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя