Chapter 17

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"Vooorooom!" The Navi star mobile cried, shoving itself towards Cheezits with terrifying speed.

"Cadet!" Cheezits yelped, bouncing backwards to try and dodge the attack, but failing and crashing into the ground.

Cheezits shot Juliana a resentful and pained look as it tried to sit up.

Does he hate battling? Juliana wondered. Or does he just want to go back to his ball?

She reached into her bag and pulled out Cheezit's Pokéball. Juliana pressed to small circle to return her Charcadet.

It nodded gratefully as it was returned into his ball.

Alright then... I can use Doodle. 

Atticus barked a laugh.

"You think to give me a taste of mine own poison? Fie! I will fight on till the bitter end!"

Little does he know.

Juliana pulled out Doodle's ball and tossed it into the field.

"Alright buddy, you ready!?" She cried to Doodle. Doodle chirped with determination and spread it's wings wide.

"Great! Good luck, I believe in you!" Juliana shouted with her hands cupped around her mouth.

The star mobile tried to launch an attack on Doodle, but failed when the small fletchling dodged it.

"Alright! Doodle, Ember, Now!" Juliana cried, throwing her hand forward.

Doodle glanced nervously at her, then back at the star mobile before spitting flames in its direction. The star mobile growled and jolted towards Doodle.

Juliana stared at them nervously.

"Doodle!" She cried. "Fly! Fly, into the air! Now!"

Doodle understood her directions and flapped into the air, out of the reach of the opposing pokemon. The star mobile hissed loudly, staring up at Doodle.

"Ember, once more!" Juliana shouted. Doodle nodded, inhaling to spit flames at the large car Pokémon.

The flames licked hungrily across it's steel surface, leaving the Pokémon roaring before it collapsed.

Juliana looked up to meet Atticus's eyes with a "ha ha, who's weak now?" expression written on her face.

Atticus just looked shocked.

"Forgive me my dear friends..." Atticus said, exhaling slowly, sadly.

He hopped off of the Navi star mobile and started towards her.

"For the sake of the team, I would give my very heart and soul...but I cannot defy the rules. Our code must be obeyed. And so, this badge is mine to keep no more. I entrust it to thy care." Atticus said, dropping the Navi star badge into the palm of her hand.

"Awsome!" Juliana mumbled excitedly.

She wouldn't deny the fact that she still felt guilty for throwing Navi team to the dirt, but she also wouldn't deny that she felt proud to have beaten a car with her bird.

Then, the grass behind her rustled loudly, making her and Atticus jump.

It was Clive. He flicked his gaze from Atticus to Juliana.

She smiled and waved to him, Clive lifted his hand as he walked slowly in their direction.

"Good job, Juliana. You have done well." He said, getting closer to the two of them.

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