Chapter 11

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"Ring ring! You have a callzzz!" Her rotom cried.

Juliana groaned. "Answer it please."

Her rotom nodded, then clicked the answer button on her phone. There was a silence, then someone spoke.

"Is this Juliana?" The voice that Juliana recognized as Arven asked.

"Who else would it be, dingus?" She smirked.

"Uh- sorry- I've actually never called anyone before, so I don't really know how to work it." He sighed.

Juliana tried to imagine having a phone for years, and never calling anyone. It sounded awfully lonely to her.

"Oh. It's fine, I don't really mind." Juliana smiled.

"Uh- okay. Are you near the titan?" Arven asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Juliana could practically feel him glowing through the phone.

"Really? I mean- uh- okay, just try to look for it, but don't go falling off cliffs or any high areas."

Juliana scoffed. "I only fell off, like, three high areas in this region!"

Arven barked a laugh. "In this region? I am officially concerned for your ability to balance."
Juliana grinned. "Don't, I have Mira to help me now."

He muttered something along the lines of: "Still a horrible nickname-" which she ignored.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go look for the titan Pokémon now, see you later!" She said, grabbing the phone to hang up.

"Bye. Be careful." He said as she hung up the phone.

Alright. This should be easy. I just need to find a really, really big Pokémon.

It wasn't. Nothing about it was easy.

"Holy Arceus." She cursed under her breath. "Where the heck is this Pokémon!?"

She climbed multiple ladders, looked under rocks, still nothing.

She tried going back to the gates to restart her search, much to her dismay.

The only good thing about the search that made it even slightly worth it, was when she found a small male Charcadet that she named Cheezits.

Then, after a long, long time of searching, she saw really big claws and a large crab body.

"Holy crap." She gasped. I found it. I really did, it really exists.

It was a relief to know that the book wasn't a lie like Nemona had suspected. But wasn't reliving, was that the Pokémon was about one hundred times bigger than her.

The large Pokémon started to crawl up the cliff wall. No wait! Don't go! Stay, please! She thought frantically.

What do I do? What do I do? Juliana thought, looking around her bag in a panic. Oh! I can call Arven! She realized.

Juliana reached into her bag, pulling out her phone and scrolling to his contact. She clicked the 'call' button, and waited for him to pick up.

   "Y-yeeess? Wh-who is this?" Arven panted. He's probably been looking just as hard as I was. She realized.

  "It's Juliana-And guess what? I found the titan Pokémon!" The phone was silent for a moment. "Really? You actually found it?" He asked, sucking in breath.

"Yep! It's running away though, so come here quick! I'll send you my location." She said, screenshoting her area on the map.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second." Arven said, receiving her message.

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