Chapter 9

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Juliana sighed, trading towards the art class. I've been so overwhelmed lately, maybe I can get my mind off of all of this stuff in art. I heard the teacher is nice. She thought, stepping into the room.

Juliana gasped.

It was beautiful. Art everywhere. Sculpted statues, paintings of beautiful sunsets, even some detailed sketches of Pokémon Juliana couldn't recognize.

It was basically her dream room. Everything about it made her happy.

"Like what you see?" A new voice asked from behind her. She whirled around. "Yes. Yes. It's all amazing. I love EVERYTHING about it. Everything, I'm telling you."

An old man with blond hair stood in front of her.

"I'm glad to hear that. I try to make my class appealing to artists." He smiled.

"Your the teacher?" She asked, jumping up and down. "You made this AMAZING PLACE!?"

He laughed, throwing his head back. "Actually, the only thing I made here was that sculpture over there." He said, pointing at a large statue of a bird Pokémon. "All the rest of the art was made by students."

Juliana gasped. "How? HOW DID YOU DO IT?!"

He chuckled. "Practice. lots of it. I'm Hassel by the way, but call me Mr. Hassel, of course. I am the teacher, after all."

She looked up at him. "Amazing..." She whispered. Juliana looked down at her hands where her sketches of all her Pokémon were.

"Oh? May I see those?" He asked politely.

Her eyes shined. "Of course! It's not as good as your sculptures, but I guess it's okay." She handed him the drawings.

He studied them for a moment. His face lit up as he looked through the sketches. "How... interesting! I've never seen an artist as advanced as you at your age! I must say, I am quite impressed. Juliana, correct?"

She beamed. "Yeah. That's me. You mean it though? I'm really that good?" She asked.

He smiled. "Of course! Question, would you be fine with me keeping these?"

Juliana nodded eagerly. "Yeah! Of course! Go ahead!"

"Feel free to look around." Mr. Hassel smiled. "Okay! I'll definitely do that!" She twirled around.

"Oh, and thanks!" Juliana shouted as she ran towards a set of paints. "No problem!" He shouted after her.

A couple days later...

Juliana walked through the halls of her new school, humming a random tune that was stuck in her head

"-Haha, daddy went to get the milk! Your so tragic, Arven!" A voice cackled.

Juliana stopped, looking around. What's happening? She thought.

There was a large crowd in the hallway, which was where Juliana assumed the drama was happening.

"Please stop-" A familiar voice sighed.

Wait, they said the name Arven, right?

There were a couple chuckles in the gathered crowd. She shoved herself into the crowd, pushing past multiple students.

"Aww, are you gonna cry?~" The voice taunted. "You gonna go get your daddy? Oh wait I forg-" "Stop!" she cried. She ran in front of Arven, and spread both her arms out to shield him from the bully.

  "Aww, Arven has a little girl protecting him!~" The bully laughed. Juliana shot daggers out of her eyes towards the bully.

"Don't you have something better to do? Why are you picking on students for no reason?!" The bully scoffed.

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