Chapter 25

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The room was dark and eerie, the only sounds were coming from outside her window.

Juliana sat up, yawning. It was the middle of the night, and she had woken up for some unexplainable reason.

Juliana scanned the room slowly, tiredly.

She sucked in a breath when she noticed a silhouette in the corner. It didn't move much, aside from a step or two.

"W-who are you?" She stammered, pushing back against her pillow in fright.

The shadow chuckled, but didn't answer. It took a step closer, scanning her face. When it got close enough, Juliana froze up, her muscles unable to move.

"W-why a-are you here?" She squeaked, her voice high pitched in terror.

A smile flickered across the figure's face. "To find you." It rumbled, shaking the room with it's voice.

Juliana slid closer to the edge of her bed, but the shadow didn't seem to notice. She leaned over, then jumped out of her bed. The figure didn't move. It just stood there and stared at her.

She backed away slowly towards her door, still facing the shadow.

Once she got to the door, she reached out her hand to touch the doorknob, turning it in her palm, opening it.

Juliana whirled around as fast as she could, shoving the door wide open, then trying to slam it behind her.

She was unsuccessful though; The figure lunged forward, pulling the door open right before it slammed, then jumping through the space small enough for him to squeeze through.

She let out a shriek of fear.

I'm gonna die! Her mind screamed.

Scream. SCREAM!

She bolted down the hall as the figure stalked towards her, opening her mouth a tiny bit.

Juliana backed up against a door and tried to scream...but nothing came out.

"S-someone!" She squeaked, her voice too high pitched to scream.

She tried it again as the figure slowly slithered toward her...and it didn't work.

Juliana noticed the door was unlocked, and pushed it open. The art room.

As she pressed herself up against another wall, she started to hyperventilate. No, no, take a deep breath.

She took a deep breath, and the figure got closer.

Juliana locked eyes with the shadow, and realized something; it was Brenden.

He's coming back for me.

Juliana opened her mouth one more time, and screamed louder than she ever had before.

. . .

Juliana yelped, jolting up from her bed with a twist in her stomach.

She was frozen to her bed, feeling unable to move. Juliana took a deep breath, trying to slow down her racing heart.

She could see small flashes of fire behind her eyes, but she was too scared to close them.

After a couple of minutes, Juliana decided to walk to the school library; it was open all hours, and there was feeling that radiated off of it.

. . .



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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