Chapter 24

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Juliana reached up to her shoulder to scratch Nibbles on the head, then continued through the town.

"Man, I'm so hungry!" She sighed. Nibbles rustled for a moment, then crawled into her arms. "Flor  gat. (Me too.)"

Juliana hesitated, then reached into her bag. "I wonder if I have money for a snack..."

She pulled out her wallet and checked for any money inside.

"Yes! I still have a couple bucks! Where should we go to get some food?" Juliana asked Nibbles with a tone of excitement in her voice.

"Gat gat flora! (Maybe we could go to that place with the really good-looking pastries!)" Nibbles suggested.

Juliana sighed. "But that's all the way in Cortondo..."

Nibbles shook it's head. "Flor. Gat floro. (No, no, I meant the one here, in Mesagoza.)"

"There's a bakery in Mesagoza?"

"Gato! Flor? (Yes! You didn't know that?)"

"Didn't see it."

"Gat. Flor (Oh, well, I can direct you there)"

"How do you know the directions?" Juliana asked.

"Flor. (I saw it once when we passed by.)"

"And I didn't notice? I'm kind of disappointed in myself."

Nibbles snickered.

"So I guess that's where we're going then. Lead the way!" Juliana smiled

Nibbles hopped out of her arms and sprinted forward.

"Hey, wait up! I said lead the way, not leave me behind!" Juliana giggled.

Juliana continued to follow Nibbles, laughing the entire way.

Once the two of them got to the bakery, they pushed the door open and went inside.

"It's got so many sweets!" Juliana cried, clasping her hands together excitedly.

Nibbles smirked, flicking its ear. "Florgato. (And you've got a bad sweet-tooth.)"

Juliana swerved her head around to stare at Nibbles. "You talkin' smack?"

Nibbles grinned. "Gato. (Wouldn't dream of it.)"

"Uh-huh. What do you want from here?"

Nibbles scanned the glass container that was filled with pastries.

"Ga..gato. (I'll take a...Cookie.)"

Juliana lifted her head to talk to the man at the counter. "Hello sir. May I order?" He smiled and nodded. "Of course, what may I get you today?"

"I'll take...Two tarts and a cookie."

He looked confused. "What kind of cookie?"

Juliana glanced at Nibbles, expecting her to order.

"Flor. (Chocolate chip, obviously.)"

Juliana scoffed. "So unoriginal... I'd like a chocolate chip cookie please."

He nodded, and rang a small bell. A short women with a glove walked out of the back room and grabbed the requested pastries, before putting them in a bag and handing it to Juliana.

"That'll be five bucks." The man said.

Juliana smiled nervously, taking the bag and handing them a 5 dollar bill.

"Thank you for shopping with us! Have a nice day!" The two people smiled sweetly and waved.

"Thank you, and have a nice day as well!"

Juliana turned and exited the building.

"Sooo..." She started, waving the bag around in her hands. "Where do you wanna go sit?"

Nibbles thought quietly for a moment. "Gato-o. (Maybe the mini tables?)"

"Ooh, great idea!"

Juliana started forward, then stopped in her tracks.

"Gato? (What is it?)"

Here was a loud gust of wind, but it seemed so...unnatural, like a Pokémon was flying overhead.

Juliana looked up, scanning the sky...but there was nothing there.

"Did you...feel that?" She asked Nibbles.

Nibbles nodded, it's eyes wide. "Gato? (What...what was that?)"

"I'm not sure..."

"Flor...(we should go...)"

They both nodded, agreeing.

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