Chapter 22

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Juliana pressed her heel against the ground nervously, watching Nibbles battle on the field against a much bigger Dudunsparce.

It was her fourth gym battle in Paldea, and she had to admit that she was kind of nervous. Juliana could tell that if Nibbles took another hit, it would probably faint, leaving her with her two remaining Pokémon: Sweetarts and Whopper.

"Err—come on, Nibbles! You can do this!" She shouted anxiously.

Her florgato flicked it's eyes from her, to it's opponent quickly.

But it wasn't quick enough.

Dudunsparce jumped forward, smashing into Nibbles with a hiss.

No! Her mind screamed.

"Florg!" Nibbles cried as it was knocked viscously to the ground.

A loud THUD!, and Juliana felt all her hope for a victory slither away

"It's okay, Nibbles. You did great." Juliana exhaled, lifting her Pokéball to return Nibbles.

The normal-type gym leader, Larry, stared at her blankly for a moment, like he was expecting her to do something interesting.

Oh my Pokémon! I'm such an idiot...

"Oh—uh—right." Juliana said, facepalming herself mentally.

She reached into her bag, and grabbed her kirlia's Pokéball.

She couldn't out-speed the Dudunsparce if she picked Whoppers, but if she chose kirlia...

"Sweetarts," Juliana commanded, tossing her Pokéball into the field. "Psybeam!"

Her Kirlia stopped, then turned and gave her a skeptical look.

What? Why aren't you...Oh...Oh!

For a reason Juliana herself couldn't even understand, she remembered something about Kirlia. 

It's psychic moves are boosted by the happiness of it's trainer.

Juliana winced. Okay. We can do this.

She started to feel the terror of losing make her heart pound as she lifted her head, trying to think of all the things that made her happy.

Soon enough, she couldn't stop herself from smiling as she remembered her funniest memories.

Juliana smothered a laugh, before looking back at Sweetarts. "You ready?" She asked it.

It seemed to relax as it nodded, then turned to face the opposing Pokémon.

"Alright! Psybeam!"

Sweetarts jumped backwards while lifting it's hands to spray a large beam of psychic energy.

Dudunsparce hissed, ignoring the attack. The Pokémon jumped into the air, smashing into Sweetarts, and knocking it to the ground.

"!" She cried.

Juliana knew she couldn't do it. She knew she was going to lose, and she accepted it.

Juliana exhaled sadly, pulling out Sweetart's Pokéball to return it, while replacing it with Whopper's ball.

"Come on out Whoppers..." She sighed non-encouragingly, tossing the Pokéball.

Whoppers flinched, flicking its eyes to her. It seemed to accept defeat too, and curled into a ball, whimpering.

Larry chuckled and muttered something, throwing his hand forward.

Dudunsparce once-shot Whoppers, throwing all it's body weight on to the small wooper.

Juliana felt a small amount of rage boil into her chest. She lifted her Pokéball, returning Whoppers with a blank expression.

Juliana cleared her throat sourly. "Good match." She forced out.

"Mhm..." Larry responded tiredly. "Er...I don't get paid enough for this. Uh...Good luck next time, kiddo..."

He turned and walked away, holding his briefcase was an unsatisfied expression.

Juliana felt her hands twitch as she started towards the exit.

Everyone's eyes on her, it was so uncomfortable.

Juliana walked slowly until she got to the door, then she bursted out the restaurant with a scowl.

I can't believe I was so weak! I'm such an idiot! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

As she continued doubting herself, Juliana sped through the town, turning around the corner until she exited the town.

"Julie! Wait! Where are you going!?" A voice called form behind her. Juliana turned slowly to meet eyes with the person.

"Did you...Er...Are you...?" Nemona stuttered.

"Yeah...I'm fine...I just...lost...I guess..."

Nemona stepped closer to Juliana, then placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Julie, you can't always expect to win every time, that's just unreasonable. Your amazing at battling, but there's always gonna be someone stronger than you."

Juliana lifted her head to meet Nemona's gaze. She winced, and looked down at her hands. "We can go and train if you'd like?" Nemona offered.

Juliana looked back to Nemona, then wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. "Yeah, We can do that. Thank you."

Nemona looked down at Juliana. "Of course."

. . .

"I'm back!" A voice cried, throwing the door open. "I'm back for a rematch!"

Juliana stood confidently in the doorway, gazing at everything intently.

Larry continued to stare blankly at her, but stood up. "Alright then..."

Juliana jolted towards the battle field with a determined expression. "Let's do this."

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