Chapter 19

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Juliana pressed her hand to the doorknob of her dorm room, then slowly opened it.

What if someone else heard me crying last night? Weighed her mind down as she stepped into the halls with her gaze on the floor.

She quietly pulled her door closed, avoiding the gazes of the other students.

It felt quite nostalgic, Juliana realized. Like the creeping feeling of their gaze traveling up your spine.

She inhaled quickly, trotting down the halls.

Juliana looked up to stare at the bright lights on the ceiling.

It was bright. Too bright.

Juliana winced and continued down the halls.

I should go fight another titan Pokémon today, shouldn't I? Arven helped me last night, so I should return the favor.

She scanned the library slowly as she exited the halls.

There was at least thirty more minutes until class started, and it seemed appealing enough to read a book.

Juliana walked over towards a bookshelf to glance at the books and decide if they were exciting enough to read.

Her gaze traveled across the bookshelf slowly, until stopping on a deep purple book.

It looked oddly familiar to her, it was almost like she had seen it somewhere before.

Arven! She realized, her eyes widening.

The memory replayed in her mind.

He showed some of the pages from that book to me!

Some about the Herba Mystica, and the others about a large donphan-looking Pokémon on a page that read: 'Pokémon of area zero' at the top.

What's area zero? She wondered, sliding the book out, into the palm of her hand.

She did remember though, that the book Arven had, had a name scribbled on it: 'Turo' So these couldn't be the same exact copy.

Oh! Because Professer Turo is Arven's father! She remembered, facepalming herself. Was that how he got the book? Out of the lab?

Juliana opened it slowly to a random page. She flinched, and almost dropped the book.

It was...a fusion of three Pokémon?

Three very, very familiar Pokémon.

It looked like the three legendary Pokémon: Verizon, Cobalion, and Terrakion, but all mixed together.

Julian flicked her eyes to the paragraph of words explaining what the picture was.

Apparently, this was a made up drawing. All a guess of what 'torturous creatures' lie in Area Zero.

There it was again, the mention of 'Area Zero'!


Juliana flipped a couple pages backwards, looking for any clues.

"Aha." She muttered to herself.

The top of the page read 'The mysteries of Area Zero'.

She was about to continue reading, but stopped when the school bell rang.

"Awww..." She sighed, reaching forward to put it back on the shelf.

Maybe I can come back after class. Her mind echoed.

"Julieee!" A voice cried from a far distance behind her. Juliana turned towards the voice with a grin.

She, of course, already knew who this was.

"Nemona!" Julie smiled.

Nemona ran towards her, only stopping before she slammed into Juliana, then bumped her side.

"Class! Now! We gotta gooooo!~" She sang before dissolving into giggles.

Juliana laughed. "Do we have class together?"

Nemona grinned from ear-to-ear. "Yeah, I think so! Sooooo—let's gooo!"

Nemona grabbed Juliana's arm and pulled her towards the stairs.

"Okay, okay! I'm coming!" Julie giggled.

. . .

Juliana felt her hair sway softly in the breeze as she stared at the large, fluffy, white clouds from her spot at the bottom of the large mountain.


Juliana felt her skin prickle as she jumped and looked around.

"What in the name of Arceus was that?" She cried, looking up at the mountain.

The loud crashing noise filled her ear drums again, before several large boulders rolled down the mountain at high speeds towards her.

She yelped and dove forward to avoid one of the large boulders.

I'd assume the titan is up there. She sighed eternally.

Welp, time to do some insanely dangerous, slightly desperate, idiotic things for a sandwich.

She chuckled a tiny bit at her thought, then lifted her head to stare at the mountain.

"Alright. Let's go this."

Juliana made sure her bag was tight on her shoulder before turning back to the slope. She reached into her bag, and pulled out Mira's Pokéball before tossing it in front of her.

Mira looked at her, already guessing what she needed, then turned around to stare at the slope.

It nodded expectingly at her, flicking its tail slightly.

"Thanks!" She smiled, hopping onto Mira's back.

Slowly, they started up the slope, only stopping occasionally to jump to the side while trying to avoid boulders.

Juliana felt her phone fly out of her bag when she was a far distance away from the top.

"Ring ring! You have a callzzzz!" Rotom cried.

Juliana gasped tiredly for air. "Okay—Answer it—please." She said, trying to focus on the path.

Rotom nodded and paused for a moment.

Instantly, when she heard Arven's voice, she felt better.

"This is Julie, right?" Arven asked.

Juliana snorted a laugh. "Yes. You got the right number, doofus."

"Oh—good. Are you near the titan?" He asked nervously.

Juliana smothered a laugh while Mira darted to the right to avoid another boulder.

"Yeah—I think so, unless there's something else throwing these boulders at us."

She heard a grunt of surprise coming from her phone. "What the heck—?"

Juliana noticed towards the top, there was a spot where the ground was flat, where she assumed the titan and Herba Mystica cave was.

Good. We can make it passed a couple more boulders.

She huffed tiredly, reaching up to adjust her bag.

Juliana didn't want to think about what would happen if they got hit. She could too easily picture her and Mira crushed under a boulder.

She inhaled, trying to get as much air as she could.

"Alright, we're at the top." Juliana said, returning Mira to it's ball.

"Great! I knew I could count on you, little buddy!" Arven said, praising her through the phone.

Juliana glowed with happiness.

He trusts me! She thought, coughing into her hand.

"Uh—good! Meet you here then?" She asked.

"Of course. I'll be there soon."

There was a loud beep, then her phone went silent.

Alright. I can do this.

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