Chapter 8

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Tap! Tap! Tap!

Her shoes went against the hard floor. It was the day of the treasure hunt, and Nemona was ecstatic about it.

Juliana stepped into the lunch room with a wary expression. "Arg! Wrong room again!" She muttered, messing with her hair in annoyance. "But I guess I could get some lunch."

Juliana walked further into the room, trying to avoid the confused expressions of the students close enough to hear her mutters.

She looked around the room for a split second and noticed an oddly familiar person standing near a large pot full of soup.

Is that Arven? What is he doing here? She thought, walking towards him.

He heard Juliana approaching him, and whirled to face her.

"Oh hey! So we meet again." His face softened. "Remember me?" He held a small purple book in his hand, waving around as he talked.

"Oh! From the lighthouse!" Juliana guessed.

"Yeah, exactly! That's my little know-it-all buddy! Got a mind like a steel trap, eh?" Arven grinned.

Juliana was about to nod and introduce herself, but Arven stopped her.

"No need to tell me your name. Juliana, right? Whole school seems to be talking about you. The new kid who showed up with the president of the student council."

"Julie. Just call me Julie." She said, looking up to meet his eyes.

He nodded, continuing to talk.

"I normally wouldn't even bother showing up for class, but I came all the way to school today just to talk with you—our new celebrity. You've gotta help me out so I can finally make my dream a reality!" Arven said, looking slightly desperate.

Juliana grinned obnoxiously. "Happy to help!"

Arven gave her a puzzled look."What kind of little maniac says yes to something without even knowing what they're agreeing to?!"

Juliana pointed a thumb at herself. "This kind of maniac."

Arven sighed, smiling a tiny bit.

"Well, this might come as a surprise, but fact is, I'm all about that picnic life: the great outdoors, the perfectly prepared sandwiches, all of it. Not half bad at cooking either, I can tell you. Right now I'm researching new recipes that'll help Pokémon feel better. Real health food, see. I found this book the other day, and it had a section about these Herba Mystica things..."

Arven pulled out a book, and scrolled through it to find a page. Once he found it, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Basically, they're some kind of special herbs that heal up any Pokémon as soon as it eats them! Now, there are a total of five different types of Herba Mystica, based on what I read. Just taking a little lick of them once they've been powdered will get your blood flowing, provide nutrients, prevent aging—it'll even boost the immune system! These herbs seem like they're the real deal. Only found here in Paldea—and rare to boot!"

He showed her the page of the book. It was a sketch of a small glowing plant.

"But this book says they're all guarded by Titan Pokémon, meaning that it's gonna be pretty tough to try to grab even a few sprigs. 'Cause, see Titans are— Well, I think they've gotta be...things like this!"

He showed her another page.

It looked like a large donphan, but robotic.

"Creepy." She mumbled, staring at it intently with wide eyes.

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