Chapter 5

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"Up here!"

Juliana stepped backwards, looking at the two houndoom cornering her. She heard a growl and turned around.

"Uh oh-" Juliana's eyes widened, staring at the three houndoom.

The mystery Pokémon spread out it's claws and was about to attack, but stopped as it turned to look at Juliana.

The Pokémon jumped towards Juliana, grabbed her, and sprang to the opening of the cave at the top where Nemona had called to them before.

"Arg!-" She coughed as the Pokémon grabbed her.

Nibbles and Doodle, who had still been out of there Pokéballs, looked like they had been hit with relief. They ran towards her happily with lots chirps and meows.

"Oof- wow." She sighed as the Pokémon let go of her.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! Your alive! I thought you two were TOTALLY toast!" Nemona shouted excitedly. "That was awsome! So epic! You and that Pokémon were totally in sync!"

Juliana pet her two Pokémon before returning them to their balls.

Juliana blinked confusedly. "Well, actually- I wasn't commanding it. It saved me by it's self." She turned towards the mystery Pokémon. "Thanks for that by the way."

Nemona looked surprised. "You WEREN'T commanding it?! Wow! If you become that Pokémon's trainer, you HAVE to let me battle it!" Nemona shouted happily.

The mystery Pokémon lifted up it's head tiredly before collapsing. "Woah!" Juliana gasped, running towards the Pokémon to help support it.

"Man, it looks really hurt. What do you think is wrong with it?" Nemona asked, worried.

Juliana thought for a moment, her brow furrowing. "I really don't know..."

Nemona stared at her for a moment before looking back at the Pokémon. "Huh, I just realized it looks a lot like cylizar, but more... electronic." The Pokémon rolled its eyes towards Nemona slowly.

"What's a cylizar?" Juliana asked, still staring at the Pokémon.

"Here let me show you-" Nemona said, pulling out her phone. She clicked on the Pokédex app and pulled up a picture of the Pokémon Juliana assumed Nemona had mentioned.

"Woah, they do look a lot alike." Juliana said, flicking her gaze towards the Pokémon. It suddenly jumped up and stretched out, shaking and yawning.

Nemona began to jump with the same amount of energy the Pokémon had.
"Oh, it looks like it's feeling better!" She smiled and put her hands together happily. There was something about Nemona's expression that made Juliana want to smile.

Nemona turned towards her. "Oh hey, wanna go check out the watchtower? You can see almost EVERYTHING from there!"

Juliana grinned. "Sure! Let's go!"

The three of them approached the watchtower, Nemona buzzing with excitement. "Woah, it looks kind of like a lab and lighthouse." Juliana commented.

"Oh yeah, it's the old lab of the famous professor Turo before he moved to a lab in the Crater of Paldea. Apparently, he was the one who invented the Tera orbs."

Juliana raised an eyebrow and was about to ask a question, but something caught the corner of her eye.

"Hey, is that a person?" She squinted at it, focusing her gaze as much as she could.

"Uh oh." Nemona sighed loudly.

"What? what is it?" Juliana asked curiously.

"Yeah, it is a person, and I think that might be Arven." She said, frowning.

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