'~ 3 So sorry

41 2 0

Minseo POV

Things hadn't truly changed back to how it was before. Minseo couldn't use the practice room until 5pm for most days, as the room had to be free starting from 3pm.

Minseo took a small break from dancing, leaving the room to find the vending machine closest to her. She wanted a snack and a bottle of water since she forgot hers and home. Knowing Ara, she would yell at Minseo for not taking good care of herself.

Opposite of the vending machine, there was a private room  Not a practice room, more like a meeting room. Behind the closed door, she heard laughter. Seemed like a group of people were enjoying themselves.

She put her money inside the machine, pushing the button to get her favorite brand and flavor of protein bar. And because her life never seemed to go the way she wanted it to, the candy got stuck inside.

Minseo mumbed swear words in her breath, trying to softly shake the machine. When it didn't work, she got impatient and kicked the vending machine hard.

That's when Minseo heard the door open. Of course, someone heard her kicks against the machine. She quickly ran away, avoiding whoever walked through the open door. Not only did she loose money and didn't get her snack, she made a complete fool out of herself.

This was it. The person was going to tell someone she tried stealing something from the vending machine. Minseo didn't want to get banned from entering the dance studio. Other than home, this was the only place she felt comfortable at.

Once Minseo disappeared inside the practice room, a knock could be heard on the door. She waited for a while, listening to the footsteps leaving. Taking a deep breath, Minseo opened the door. No one was there.

Looking down, the protein bar that had gotten stuck in the vending machine, was on the floor. The stranger must have realized this was hers.

Minseo closed the door again, a smile forming on her face. Whoever the stranger was, they were very kind for making sure she got what she paid for.

She sat down on the ground, near her bag and grabbed her phone. She had a few missed calls from Ara. Did something happen? Minseo immediately called her friend back. A worried voice came out of her phone. "I'm so glad you called back. I was afraid something bad happened when you didn't pick up." Minseo rolled her eyes, fortunately Ara couldn't see she did.

Ara always worried a lot about Minseo. According to her, Mina never worried her. But to Ara, Minseo should be protected no matter what. She acted more like a mum rather than a best friend.

"I didn't take my phone with me when I left to get a snack." A short silence filled the conversation. "You should have brought it with you." Minseo let out a loud sigh, wanting Ara to hear it. She loved her friend, but her overprotective side annoyed Minseo quite a bit.

Minseo took a bite from the bar, wondering why Ara felt the need to call her. Just to check up on her?  "So, Jun is going to take over the rest of my shift. Meaning, we can go out for dinner to wait." Jun was a worker at the café. He was the first employee Ara hired and work there ever since.

"I already called Mina, but she's going to meet up with a classmate instead. So, would you like to go? If not, we'll just stay home." Ara waited for an answer as Minseo pursed her lips together. She would be back home on time for the two to head out for dinner. So why not? "Sure, would be nice for once."

Finishing her snack, she regretted not going back to buy a bottle of water. She just didn't want to deal with another stupid vending machine. "Great! You'll finally get to eat a decent meal tonight. When was the last time you ate something?" Ara didn't like it when Minseo would skip a meal as it wasn't healthy.

"If it wasn't for this stranger, I wouldn't have gotten my protein bar." Ara stayed silent at the other end of the line. Probably waiting for the rest of Minseo's story. "It got stuck. And well... I did something stupid. But I'll tell you tonight." Minseo didn't have long anymore to practice the choreography again. She had to be gone in an hour.

So, she ended the call with Ara before the latter could keep her from dancing.

An hour later, Minseo packed her bag. She forgot her headphones at home, so no music on her way home. After making sure she got everything, she opened the door. Accidentally, hitting someone with it. "I'm so sorry." Minseo's day truly had to get worse.

She heard a familiar chuckle when she apologized, but she didn't look up at the person who it belonged to. Nearing the end of the hallway, she turned around. Now she understood why the chuckle reminded her of someone.

It belonged to none other than the angel that is Park Jimin.

Minseo arrived home, still processing what occured back at the dance studio when she left. This wasn't supposed to happen to her. Why would they go there in the first place when they already had a practice room at their company?

Now, it all made sense, the boys from BTS needed that room. They were the reason why she had to be gone at 3pm. Most likely, to make sure she wouldn't run into them.

Minseo wasn't sure what to do. She still wanted to go back to the dance studio. But what if she actually walked into then?

She quickly got brought out of her thoughts, her little breakdown, when Ara appeared in front of her. She got home before Minseo did as it seemed like she already took a shower. Ara noticed something was on Minseo's mind when a worried look appeared on her face. "Is everything alright?"

Minseo would love to tell Ara about bumping the door against THE Park Jimin. But she didn't want her friend to freak out about it. It was better not to mention it. The group's management obviously didn't want anyone to know they were there. So, Minseo definitely shouldn't let her friends now.

"Just a little tired, that's all." Minseo forced a smile, heading towards her room. She needed a shower, she was sweating lots as usual after practicing a choreography.

After she got ready, Minseo met up with Ara on the couch. "So what happened at the studio?" Minseo felt nervous. Did she know? Wait, no. Why would Ara know? This was about the vending machine. "My protein bar got stuck. And someone saw me kick the machine, so I just ran back to the room."

Now that she thought about it. Maybe it was one of the seven Bangtan boys who saw her and gave her the protein bar. But most likely, it was a staff member. What if it was Jimin?

"You really have no luck by your side sometimes." Ara let out a laugh, as if Minseo's misery was funny to her. But it wasn't. "Stop, it was so embarrassing  I also hit someone with the door." Minseo poured. She hated that these things seem to happen to only her.

Ara patted Minseo's head, the latter just rolled her eyes. "I can't believe someone saw you trying to steal a snack." Minseo looked at her friend in surprise. Oh no. She didn't just say that. "I wasn't stealing!"

Because I'm editing each chapter to make it less cringy, I end up with more words than it was.

Remember, I wrote this in 2018, that's 5 years ago!! I was 18 at the time and now I am 23, so my writing style has changed a lot. Hopefully it got better.

Let me know what you think so far.

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