'~ 14 Can't ignore

11 2 0

*time skip*

Minseo POV

Today was Minseo's first official day as Taehyung's manager. Ji Eun was still at the company however, just to make sure Minseo didn't need her help anymore. Soon though, she would have to go. Her new job was waiting for her.

Minseo was inside Ji Eun's office, well, this was her office from now on. She looked through the schedule. In an hour, she would have to get Taehyung from dance practice. There was a solo photoshoot happening soon.

Fortunately, Minseo had been given the black tinted car Ji Eun drove during her manager's career. Which meant, Minseo had her own car now. Even for personal use, she could drive the car.

As she was about to get ready to leave, double checking if she got everything with her, Ji Eun walked inside her old office. "I'll be going now. You're doing great, so please don't worry about anything." Minseo smiled, thanking Ji Eun for helping her today, letting her leave.

Checking her bag once more, she left the office. Minseo stopped in front of the practice room's door. She knocked softly and headed inside.

Minseo was early, just to make sure they would leave on time. She didn't want to screw anything up. While she waited, she watched the boys practice the choreography. Minseo remembered a few moves already.

The dance teacher clapped their hands. Practice was over. Minseo chuckled seeing the boys so out of breath. She watched how Taehyung breathed heavily, hydrating himself before laying down on the ground.

"Hi Minseo!" Jungkook seemed too chipper after an extreme session of dance practice. He walked past Minseo, leaving the room. Taehyung pushed himself up from the ground, his eyes fixed on Minseo.

Minseo looked away, intimidated a little by his gaze, as he walked towards her. "Are we leaving now?" Minseo shook her head, looking back at Taehyung. She saw the beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Okay, I'll take a shower first then." Minseo nodded, glancing at Taehyung who left towards the showers. She quickly stopped herself from daydreaming, seeing Jimin wave at her. "How is it being Tae's manager?"

Minseo hadn't gotten used to it yet. But she made sure to stay as professional as she could. Which was hard since Taehyung didn't seem to like it when she was.

"It's going great so far." Jimin kept her company until Taehyung came back from the shower he had taken. He was all ready to go. Minseo saw him glancing at Jimin, as if Taehyung still didn't trust his best friend around her.

They left the practice room and headed to the elevator. Minseo checked the time on her phone, there were 40 minutes left. They would definitely be early.

But then, life wanted to ruin everything for Minseo when the elevator shut down. Of course these things had to happen to her. Minseo took out her phone to message the photographer, but there was no signal.


Taehyung POV

As the elevator shut down, Taehyung put his attention on Minseo. He knew she would be freaking out, because she did everything she could to make sure they would be on time. But now, there was a chance they wouldn't make it.

Minseo was having a panic attack. Taehyung got scared, unsure what to do. Then he remembered the time Namjoon had to calm down Jimin once. "Minseo, please look at me. Look at me."

It took her a while, but her eyes eventually found Taehyung's worried ones. "Follow my breathing. Gently." He heard Namjoon mention this to Jimin. Minseo had to focus on her breathing to keep it steady and to calm down. She shouldn't think about anything else.

After a while, Minseo's breathing calmed down. She was feeling better again. While she focused on her breathing, Taehyung pushed the emergency button to let someone know the elevator got stuck with them inside. Surely, it wouldn't take long until they were rescued.

"Are you okay?" Minseo nodded, wiping away her tears. Taehyung felt sad seeing her so scared, but he hid his own feelings to focus on hers. She was really important to him. "Thanks."

Taehyung eventually realized they were extremely close. His heart beated out of his chest from seeing Minseo from up close. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

Staring into her chocolate brown orbs, he felt like he was in paradise. Heaven, even.

But then, the elevator started moving again. Back to reality he went. And maybe it was better that way. Minseo was now his manager. He shouldn't be having these feelings for her. Yet, she made Taehyung fall deeper for her.

Someone was going to get hurt. But who?

Minseo POV

It was a very hectic day. Minseo couldn't believe she had a panic attack near Taehyung. He must have thought she was pathetic. It wouldn't even surprise her if he wanted to look for a new manager. Someone who handled stressful situations professional.

Yet, he kept asking Minseo how she was feeling. Taehyung seemed to care about her. He helped her through the panic attack.

From BitterSugar
Hey. Taehyung told us what
happened today

Are you okay?

From Miinseeoo
I'm fine, other than feeling
bad for not acting how a
manager should act

From BitterSugar
It's not your fault. We're just
glad to know you're okay

Minseo had found out Yoongi had promised Ji Eun to make sure she was okay. So, since then, he would sometimes message Minseo to check on her. She thought it was sweet.

She had so many people care about her.

Minseo wanted to reply to Yoongi, but she didn't get the chance to when Taehyung videocalled her. He rather wanted to call her than text her. She didn't mind, his voice soothed her a lot.

"How are you feeling?" Minseo smiled, he seemed so concerned about her. Then again, she was Taehyung's manager. "Better, I'm sorry you saw me that way." She kept apologising even when everyone told her it wasn't even her fault.

"Even if it broke my heart to see you like that, don't feel sorry. I'll always be there if it ever happens again." Minseo nodded. She hoped it would never happen again. They might have been worried about her, she expected them to eventually look at her as an attention seeker.

Minseo sighed. She didn't know how to end her negative thoughts. "So, you never liked anyone before, right?" Taehyung brought this up again. Minseo didn't know why he wanted to know all these things.

"No? I don't really know. And even if I did, I would try to ignore it." Minseo already told Taehyung about the divorce of her parents. She wouldn't change her mind. "You can't just ignore those feelings. Believe me, I've tried before." Minseo sighed, she didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Then, you didn't try hard enough." Minseo was raising her voice. Not the best decision. Taehyung ended the call, she probably made him angry.

o.O Minseo, Minseo... You dumb.

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