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Minseo POV

The boys finally finished all the promotions of their newest albums. From performances to interviews, with the occasional live shows.

They were on a break for a few weeks until they had to get ready to leave to the United States to continue their promotions there for a while. And because it was a group activity, their individual managers would stay behind in Seoul. Meaning Minseo would as well.

"Ara, why are you home?" Minseo thought Ara would be at the café. The latter didn't even tell her. "Your date is tomorrow and you need new clothes." Minseo let out a sigh. She didn't think she would need to be dressed differently than normal.

"Mina will come with. Do you know where he's taking you?" Taehyung had been very secretive about it. He didn't want Minseo to know where they would go, wanting to surprise her.

Since they had to wait for Mina to finish her only online class of the day, Minseo spend some time on her phone.

From Miinseeoo
My friends are forcing me
to go shopping

From Taeeetaaae
You don't like shopping?

From Miinseeoo
I just don't understand why
they want me to get new

for tomorrow...

From Taeeetaaae
They seem more excited for
our date than you are...

From Miinseeoo
I am excited :(

From Taeeetaaae
I know, I was just teasing

Just tell them you want to
keep yourself warm :D

From Miinseeoo
So, you're still not telling me
where we're going?

From Taeeetaaae
Nope ;)

Minseo looked up at Ara who was grinning at her. She must have realized her friend was messaging Taehyung. Was Minseo smiling too much? "And? Do you know where you'll go?" Minseo shook her head, telling Ara what Taehyung messaged.

Minseo watched how her friends ran around the different clothing store. They were obsessed with Minseo's date with Taehyung. She didn't even understand why. He never paid attention to the way she was dressed, so why did she had to go all out.

"Here, try this outfit first." Mina handed Minseo some jeans and a t-shirt while Ara pushed her friend inside the changing room. Here goes the first outfit. Minseo wondered how many she would have to try out. She hoped not too many.

Many, many outfits later, Mina was still trying to find something else. Even Ara seemed to be getting tired of all the try-outs. It took them 2 hours so far. "Mina, please, I think Taehyung will like this outfit." Minseo couldn't handle it anymore. The outfits was perfect.

Mina didn't listen, walking away from Minseo who tried to reason with her fashionista best friend. Then, Mina came back with a jacket. A beautiful fluffy jacket. "It needed this. Now it's perfect." Minseo smiled as she looked inside the mirror. Hopefully Taehyung would think so, too.

Back home, Minseo immediately put away the outfit Mina had put together. She lied down on her bed, finally, she could rest. Shopping was so exhausting. At least her friends helped pay the clothes.

She closed her eyes, but got interrupted when her phone rang it's ringtone. Opening her eyes, Minseo looked who it was. Taehyung.

"I was hoping to catch you still shopping. So, how did it go? Did you find an outfit to captivate me?" Minseo chuckled. She told Taehyung she did. But since he didn't want to tell her where they would be going for their date, Minseo didn't want to give him a peek at the outfit.

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