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Minseo POV

Because Minseo had been busy following along with Ji Eun, learning about the job as manager, she hadn't been able to talk to Jimin. To hear his side and accept his apologies.

But now, she could leave work early. So hefore she headed home, she looked around for Jimin. She eventually found him talking to Namjoon. The boys had started comeback preparations already.

"Hey..." Namjoon left, patting Jimin's shoulder before he did. Minseo was nervous but so happy to talk to Jimin again. "Hi. I'm so sorry for my actions that day. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

Jimin and Minseo walked through the hallway, reaching an empty room to talk in private. "I can't force you to like me the same. And I don't want to lose you as my friend." Minseo nodded, she didn't want to lose his friendship either.

"Then, let's forget it ever happened and go back to how we were." Minseo definitely wanted to accept his apologies. Jimin was sincere about it all, so she knew he would never do anything to make her feel uncomfortable.

Jimin eventually brought Minseo back to Ji Eun who happened to be talking to Yoongi. "You two are fine now?" Ji Eun asked as Minseo nodded, flashing Jimin a smile before he left to go back to Namjoon.

"I'm going back to the studio. See you later!" And with that Yoongi left. He was such a workaholic. But that was something Minseo adored about him.

Once Minseo arrived back home, she immediately received a message from Taehyung.

From Taeeetaaae
I'm happy to know you and
Jimin are fine again

From Miinseeoo
Me too, I'm so relieved

From Taeeetaaae
Are you still sure you want
to continue your training
and be my manager soon?

From Miinseeoo
I definitely am

Ji Eun has been a great
mentor and I know you're
not so demanding

From Taeeetaaae
Of course I'm not :)

I'm happy we met that day,
because I can't wait until
you're my manager

I should go and help my
hyungs with my solo song,
I'll call you tonight if that's
okay with you?

From Miinseeoo
Sure.. I like that

Minseo couldn't stop smiling. Taehyung seemed to be back to normal again as well. He stopped avoiding her and would always be the first one to reach out to her.

She still didn't know what this strange feeling in her stomach was. It never happenes in the past, it started when she got closer to Taehyung. And it had never left since then.

Minseo ignored the feeling and went inside her room to unwinde a little. She couldn't wait to talk to Taehyung on the phone, however. As it preoccupied her mind.

Taehyung POV

He smiled down at his phone. Taehyung was happy to be talking to Minseo again. He regretted ignoring her when he did. But now things were back to normal.

He couldn't believe Jimin had feelings for Minseo and Taehyung would have loved to punch him for making her uncomfortable. When he talked to Jimin, Taehyung could tell his best friend felt bad for what he did.

Fortunately, Minseo had forgiven Jimin. So, the drama has ended.

He made his way to Namjoon's studio. His hyung had finished a part of Taehyung's solo song and wanted the younger to have a listen. His vision of the song was extremely important.

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