'~ 20 America?

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Minseo POV

Once again, Minseo was at the dorms of the guys as Taehyung wanted her there. She left her car at the company, because he wanted her to tag along with them instead. When Minseo asked him how she would get back to her car tonight, Taehyung told her she wouldn't because he wanted her to stay the night.

"You're not being subtle with what you have with Minseo, Tae." Minseo didn't mean to eavesdrop on the conversation Taehyung was having with Namjoon. She knew the leader was worried about what would happen if the wrong person found out about the two.

"Let him be, Joon. You can see how happy he has been ever since Minseo came into our lives." Jin had come in between Namjoon and Taehyung. Minseo sighed, hoping there wasn't any tension between the group. She really didn't want to be the cause of it all.

Namjoon sighed, eventually agreeing with Seokjin. "Okay, just be careful." Taehyung nodded, making his way back to his bedroom where he thought Minseo was waiting. But he was surprised to see him in front of him.

"You've heard everything?" Minseo nodded. She didn't want Taehyung to be mad at her for eavesdropping on his conversation with two of his hyungs. "Are you gonna leave me?" Minseo once thought she would, because she had gotten very scared before. Yet, she shook her head, giving Taehyung hope again.

She got pulled into his bedroom. A kiss pressed against her lips when the door closed. "Then... Will you be my girlfriend?" Minseo looked at Taehyung in surprise. She didn't expect this and it scared her a little.

His hand was resting against her cheek, waiting for an answer. Minseo nodded, as a smile appeared on Taehyung's face. 

Minseo tensed up at the feeling of arms around her waist and a body against her back. She had just woken up and not aware of her surrounding. Trying to escape from whowcer who was holding her, only resulted in being brought closer. "Jagi..."

Then Minseo remembered where she was. She had decided to stay at BTS's dorms because the weather was too bad to be driving through. And instead of taking the couch, Taehyung wanted to share the bed.

"Good morning." Minseo smiled, she never thought to wake up with Taehyung cuddling her. It was something you would normally read in fanfictions. "I can get used to this." Minseo wanted to get up, the others were most likely awake at this point. They couldn't be late for the meeting.

"We should get up." Minseo tried escaping from Taehyung's arms again, but he wasn't letting go. "Just a bit longer." She let out a heavy sigh. The guys were going to end up blaming her for being late, because she wasn't able to force Taehyung up.

After a few more tries, he finally let go and got up. "You can go downstairs already, I just need a quick shower." Minseo nodded, wanting to leave the room but Taehyung stopped her and kissed her cheek. "Morning, jagi."

Minseo made her way downstair, hearing laughter coming from the kitchen already. When she entered, five pairs of eyes were looking at her. "Minseo, do you want to wake Yoongi up?" Minseo was taken by surprise by Hoseok's sudden question. She shook her head as she knew how dangerous it was to wake that guy up.

Jin handed Minseo a cup of coffee, something she needed. A little while later, Yoongi had still not woken up as Taehyung was downstairs before him. "Can you convince Minseo to wake Yoons up?" Taehyung shook his head, glaring at his hyung. "But he won't yell at a girl."

After some more bickering, a cough ended it all. Guess no one had to wake Yoongi up, as he was now inside the kitchen as well. "I'm sorry, Minseo. I would have yelled at you." Minseo didn't expect anything else. He really cared about his sleep.

"Here's your coffee." Just like Minseo had gotten her coffee, Seokjin gave Yoongi a cup as well. "So... What are your plans when we're away on tour?" Minseo took a sip before she shrugged. She hadn't really planned anything. She might try and work a bit and most likely head to the dance studio most days.

"Hmm... I hope videocalling your boyfriend will be part of your plans." Minseo coughed, choking on her coffee. She didn't think Taehyung would let his friends now about the two this way. How would they react? "I'm sure Minseo will answer your calls."

After joining the boys for breakfast, they all went towards the headquarters to start their day of work. Minseo went through the different emails she received from companies who were asking for Taehyung. She wrote down the opportunities she felt like were important and something he wanted.

"Jagi..." Minseo looked up when Taehyung walked inside. "Please, we're at work. I'm still your manager." She wanted to remind him that they should be professional at work. She didn't want the wrong person to find out and risk getting him in trouble.

"Is there anything you wanted?" Minseo focused back on the computer screen, saving an email from a magazine. "One of the staff members isn't able to go, so there is an extra space." So, she could still go with the boys to America? As staff member, however, but still.

Minseo looked up at Taehyung again. He seemed hopeful she would consider taking the extra space. But she didn't know what she wanted. "I would like it if you tagged along."

When Minseo mad her decision, she hoped she wouldn't regret it. But it made her smile to see Taehyung so happy. And so, Minseo talked to the CEO who gladly let her take the position. All she would have to do is film some of the moments the boys were going through. Minseo immediately send her friends a message to let them know the big news.

From Miinseeoo
I'm going to America!!

From WhaatAra!!
That's amazing! So, you're
going with the boys?

Oh my, I'm jealous

From FashioMina
I'm so proud of you !!!

From Miinseeoo
A staff member can't go
and as there needed to be
a replacement, I'm able to
do it

I'll be part of the film crew

From WhaatAra!!
Did Taehyung push you to
do it?

From Miinseeoo
He didn't push me at all

I could tell it was something
he wanted and I'm happy I
won't have to miss him when
he's gone

From FashioMina
That's adorable

From Miinseeoo
Oh right, there's something else


From WhaatAra!!
No way! Are you messing with
us right now?

From FashioMina
How are you still alive? :o

Minseo put her phone away, a smile on her face when she felt arms being wrapped around her. "I'm so happy to have my lucky charm with me on tour." She was happy, too. Taehyung had his ways to make her feel special.

"Did we hear this correctly?" Minseo didn't realize the door to her office was open. She quickly moved away from Taehyung's grip to face the other six boys. "I'm filling in for someone who can't go. So, yeah, I'm coming along."

The others were quite excited as well when they found out Minseo would go to America as well. Namjoon seemed just a tiny bit worried.

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