'~ 4 Who are you?

32 2 1

Minseo POV

After her encounter with Jimin, Minseo hadn't gone to the dance studio in a while. She was afraid to run into another member. But she couldn't hide forever. Minseo wanted to practice in case she would forget the choreography.

Minseo would have rather wanted them to be trainees, not the seven boys that impacted her life. Those who she loved with all parts of her body, but mainly with her heart.

The day Minseo finally went to the dance studio, the lady at the front desk told her to wait. Because Minseo hadn't been using the practice room, it got occupied by different people. Most likely BTS.

She wondered how long they would go to the same dance studio. She hoped not for long, because she didn't know if she woukd be able to handle it.

While deep in her thoughts, worrying about the smallest things, she happened to hear a conversation between two people. Their voices were recognizable.

Author POV

The younger of the two was very hard on himself. He couldn't get the moves right. It frustrated him, which is why he got forced outside the practice room to be calmed down. "Jimin, you're putting so much stress on yourself." Namjoon took Jimin away from the rest. The others were worried about him.

Jimin knew that he should take enough breaks, practicing without them wouldn't be good for him. Or anyone for that matter. But he just needed things to be perfect.

While Namjoon talked to him, slowly but surely, calming Jimin down, he stopped suddenly. Someone was close. Was someone listening?

Minseo POV

She didn't mean to listen to their conversation. But he heard Namjoon worrying about Jimin. It was the same tone of voice Ara had when she worried about Minseo.

As Minseo tried to hide, she accidentally bumped into the wall, yelping out in pain. That's when the voices stopped talking. Did they hear her? Before she could run away, the two guys stood in front of her.

Minseo took a deep breath, looking up at them. She felt nervous, scared. She wasn't a saesang. But right now, it seemed like she was. Namjoon had his hands on his hips while Jimin had a smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Minseo gulped at Namjoon's voice. He seemed mad at her. She couldn't blame him. "How was the protein bar?" Jimin nudged Namjoon. The latter's demeanour changed. "Ah... Finally I meet another clumsy person."

Minseo stayed quiet. Was this a dream? Could someone please pinch her? No way Namjoon and Jimin, two guys dear to her, were talking to her. "Ow!" Minseo looked at Jimin in surprise. Did he just pinch her? "You asked to be pinched." Of course, she said these things out loud.

Minseo just wanted to leave. They shouldn't be talking to her. But she couldn't just walk away like that. Then, she saw a figure running towards them. Shit. Were they all going to see her now?

"Hyungs... Oh! The girl!" The maknae... recognized her? What was going on? She never saw him at the dance studio, only Jimin. Then she remembered, the door that was ajar. Did the golden boy Jeon Jungkook actually see her? This is embarrassing.

Soon, the rest of the boys appeared. She could feel their eyes on her. She wish she could just become invisible. Minseo couldn't even think straight, feeling a little lightheaded. "Give her some space." Jimin suddenly spoke up, showing his caring side.

"Why are you talking to her? She could be a saesang." Minseo could feel a knife stabbing her heart. Her bias, the intimidating Min Yoongi, thought of her as a saesang. "No, I'm sure she isn't. Wouldn't she have done something already if she was." Well, at least the ever so positive sun, Jung Hoseok, had a little trust in her.

"Guys, the poor girl looks scared of you gathering around her." Now, the oldest of the boys spoke up. Minseo was surprised the funny Kim Seokjin didn't make a dad joke just yet. Maybe because he just didn't know her.

"Is she a fan?" Minseo looked up at Hoseok, quickly looking away when he stared back. Eye contact was hard to deal with  "She dances to our song. I would guess she is." Finally, all seven boys said something. The almight 4K Kim Taehyung has spoken up as last.

But then, something surprising happened. The question that made Minseo laugh. "Is she mute?" This whole time Minseo had been quiet, so she couldn't really blame Yoongi for asking.

When Minseo looked up once more, she could feel two pair of eyes digging into her. But since the seven boys were all looking at her, she didn't know who was trying to look into her soul.

"If you're dancing to our songs, then show us." Minseo immediately shook her head at Hoseok's suggestion. She never showed anyone her choreos, except her two best friends. Even then she felt embarrassed to. Minseo didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of the group.

When Minseo shook her head, Hoseok seemed disappointed. "Why not? From what I've seen you're really good." Minseo didn't know what to do. She believed Jungkook was lying. Nope, this wasn't happening.

"I-I'm not... good." She mumbled, this was the first time she said anything to them. This whole time she had been quiet. "You're kidding, right? You're a great dancer." Minseo sighed, looking towards Taehyung.

She didn't want to, but she felt bad because she would disappoint the seven boys. And she didn't want that. And so. "O-Okay then." The three dancers cheered in excitement as someone pulled her inside the practice room.

Jungkook put on the song Minseo was dancing to that one time he apparently saw her. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. And then, she left her body to the music. Forgetting her surroundings, Minseo focused on her movements.

Once in a while, Minseo messed up a move but pretended it was all part of the choreography. When the song ended, Minseo moved into her ending pose. Deep breaths in and out were heard inside the practice room as Minseo caught back her breath.

Minseo looked back at the seven boys, better known as BTS, she noticed their surprised and shocked looks. "W-Was it bad?" Minseo could feel her heart heading in her chest, harder than normal after dancing. She waited for them to answer, her breath getting steady again. They were trying to come up with something nice to say, weren't they. She was bad.

"I-I'm sorry for wasting your time." Minseo bowed, reaching for the doorknob to leave the room when a hand stopped her from leaving. Namjoon had his hand on her shoulder. "Wow, you're better than me." Hoseok suddenly said. Minseo looked at him and frowned. She didn't believe it, but enjoyed the compliment.

A smile appeared on Minseo's face, making the boys smile with her. "Thank you for showing us. You're really talented." Minseo thanked Jimin and let him know he was the talented one.

She looked around the room. Their belongings weren't there, so were they even using it. "Um... D-Do you still need the room?" She wanted to dance. She wasn't sure if she would be able to, knowing she just met BTS. "Ah no, we've done enough practicing for today. Don't want to overdo it." Namjoon looked at Jimin who seemed a little sad. Minseo knew he was always too hard on himself.

They eventually left, bidding their goodbyes to Minseo as if they would see her soon. She didn't believe it would happen, because in the end, she was a nobody. Minseo didn't want them to be friendly with her. She wasn't their friend, but just another fan.

Minseo was about to turn on the music again when the door opened. She looked back and saw Jimin walking towards her. He couldn't have forgotten something, only Minseo's stuff was inside. "I was just wondering about your name."

Right. She never introduced herself to them, because why would she. "Oh.. I-It's Minseo." Jimin smiled. "Nice to meet you, Minseo. Maybe you can teach me the choreography some day." He then left before Minseo could tell him it would be a bad idea.

What just happened?

Hehe. The chapters seem to be getting longer. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one. Let me know what you think.

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