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Minseo POV

She couldn't really fathom yet what happened that one night. What was going on with Jimin? Sure, he always wanted to be alone with Minseo. But then someone else would join them, leaving Jimin in an annoyed state.

That night, Minseo believed that if the driver didn't arrive when he did, Jimin would have kissed her. Or at least it seemed that way. Sometimes, Minseo wondered if she would let him or move away to avoid it from happening.

Minseo was confused. And not just a little. Especially since Taehyung had been acting strange the past few days. He only talked to Minseo when he had to. Never when he wanted to.

And she wasn't the only one who sensed change. Namjoon did as well.

From BreakDanger
Have you talked to Taehyung?

From Miinseeoo
No, he's been avoidng me
whenever I tried to

From BreakDanger
You really don't know what

It's not like him to act this

From Miinseeoo
Idk, it happened after the
day I was at your dorms

And nothing bad happened
between us, we just talked

Though... He always acts
strange when Jimin gets
close to me ?

From BreakDanger
I'll ask Jimin if he knows

Author POV

Namjoon found Jimin alone insise his room, the perfect time to talk about Taehyung. "Hey, Jim. Do you know if everything is alright with your soulmate?" Jimin looked up from his phone to look at his hyung. He expected someone to ask him this.

"I think he's having trouble with Minseo spending time with me alone." The younger boy said, shrugging when he did. Whenever Jimin tried to be alone with Minseo, Taehyung found his way in their conversation.

Namjoon sighed. He was afraid there would be some tension between the two soulmates. "Please talk to him." The leader then left the room. He hoped things were going to be fixed quite soon. Especially with the comeback preparations that were right around the corner.

Jimin had noticed the personality shift in Taehyung as well. Minseo was worried about him, so Jimin knew he would have to talk to his bestfriend. Because he wasn't really sure what was going on as well.

He knocked on Taehyung's bedroom door and walked inside to see his friend laying on the bed. Taehyung was deep in thoughts, looking up at the ceiling.

"Are you alright? You're not yourself anymore." Taehyung got out of his daze and turned his head to look at Jimin. Although he wanted the smaller man out of his view, he realized that would be childish of him. Jimin was still his soulmate.

"I think I made Minseo sad." Jimin closed the door, his friend needed him to listen. Maybe put some sense into him as well. "She's worried. I think talking to her will make her happy again."

Minseo POV

She hoped everything was fine with Taehyung. Minseo would blame herself for causing all of this if it wasn't for Namjoon. He made sure she wouldn't do that.

As it was her free day from work, Minho went back to the dance studio. It had been a while, so she wondered if she would remember the choreography at all. Fortunately, she did.

Minseo was focusing on her dance moves when a sudden presence surprised her, making her trip. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Hoseok rushed towards Minseo, realizing what he caused. "It's fine, I'm okay."

She wondered why Hoseok was here at the dance studio as well. He didn't have anything scheduled as far as Minseo was aware. Maybe he just had the feeling she would be here. Or, he just wanted to dance to spend his free day.

"Now that we're both here, I was wondering if you wanted to dance with me." Minseo chuckled, nodding her head. It was only fair. She already taught Jimin her choreography, so if anyone else asked to dance, she would gladly accept.

Once in a while, they would take a break. Mainly because Hoseok didn't want Minseo to force herself too much. He was really caring and knew exactly how to elevate her mood.

Hoseok talked to her about Taehyung. He wanted Minseo to know that the younger one wasn't mad at her or didn't want to spend time with her anymore. Apparently, that wasn't the case at all.

He reassured her that Taehyung like her. That he couldn't wait for Minseo to become his manager.

"He wants to be your friend, too." Hoseok smiled, trying to make her feel better. To make sure she knew that she did nothing wrong and that Taehyung might need some time to figure out his thoughts.

"How are things between him and Jimin?" Minseo wanted to bring this up, because she could feel the tension between the two. "They seem to be fighting for your attention." Minseo expected that.

They eventually went back to dancing. It helped Minseo take her mind away of the whole situation that was unfolding.

Taehyung POV

He wanted to apologise to Minseo in person. So, Taehyung went towards the dance studio where he expected her to be. As he arrived at the practice room, he was about to head inside when he saw Minseo.

Only, he didn't. Minseo wasn't alone. Hoseok was with her and they seemed to be enjoying each other's company a lot.

Taehyung then walked away. He wanted to take a walk to be alone with his thoughts. Was everyone trying to steal Minseo away from him?

It was starting to get late. It became dark outside, yet Taehyung didn't want to go home. Even if the others kept calling him. He eventually turned off his phone, so he wouldn't be able to see the missed calls and the flood of text messages.

Taehyung was aware he was acting stupid, childish in a way.

During his time alone, he realized he was jealous when Minseo spend time with any of his friends. It didn't matter if she was talking to Jimin, seeing her smile with any of his friends made him jealous.

It had been a while since he felt this way about anyone. The reason why it confused him so much. But now, he figured it all out.

Taehyung liked Minseo.

O.o Totally unpredictable. No just kidding, it was obvious he liked her.

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