'~ 21 No boundaries

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Minseo didn't want to feel this way whenever she watched Taehyung being friendly with the female staff members. She would have to get used to it anyway. He could talk to anyone if he wanted to.

"I would do anything to have him talk to me like that." Minseo looked behind her. Two members of staf were talking to each other about Taehyung. He seemed to be talking to their friend, hyping her up. Minseo sighed when Jimin looked up at her.

He walked towards her, realizing she was alone and probably needed someone around. "Minseo! What are you thinking about?" Jimin waved his hand in front of Minseo, who looked away from Taehyung. She didn't want anyone to know there was a hint of jealousy inside of her.

"Don't worry about him, Minseo. He only has eyes for you." Eventually, the staff member had to go back to work. She was giggling among her friends, who called her extremely lucky to have talked to him.

Taehyung saw Jimin talk to Minseo. He was a little distracted by it. He was somewhat a little convinced his best friend hadn't moved on from his feelings for Minseo. But, he trusted Jimin. And if he told everyone his feelings for the girl had gone away completely, then Taehyung wanted to believe his soulmate.

"Was the girl interesting to talk to?" Minseo wanted to escape when Jimin said that. Taehyung glared at his soulmate, wondering what he was trying to do. "I wasn't really paying much attention to hear. I was just answering some questions." Minseo smiled, feeling a little better. Jimin was right, Taehyung only had eyes for her. Any other girl didn't mean anything to him.

Minseo asked Taehyung to go to her office as there were a few emails she had chosen for him to have a quick read through. "Jagiya, you'll tell me if you're jealous, right?" Minseo just hummed. Taehyung didn't believe her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I won't break your heart, I promise. You mean everything to me."

He eventually looked through the emails Minseo wanted him to look at. "Most of these seem boring." Minseo hummed in response. She had gotten rid of the most boring ones already. "You don't have to do any of these." It wasn't easy to find anything that didn't seem boring at all. Especially when it came to the photoshoots. She would always ask for the portfolios of the photographers and none of them really stood out. Minseo wondered how Ji Eun handled these things. Probably so much better.

After looking through the e-mails Minseo showed him, Taehyung had to leave. Since he needed to practice choreographies for the upcoming concerts in Seoul that would kick start the tour. This gave Minseo some time to work hard without any disruptions and distractions.

As Taehyung made his way back to the rest, the staff member from before seemed to struggle with some equipment. He decided to help her out, unaware of her friends behind him. They were taking pictures.

Minseo had finished preparing for the meeting when she heard voices from inside the halls. She left her office to see what was going on, only to find all the staff members from the floor were gathering around.

Eventually, they dispersed to go back to work. That's when Minseo noticed the flyers on the walls. "What's going on?" She jumped up when Yoongi appeared next to her, his eyes fixed on the piece of paper Minseo was holding.

"Why would they do something like this?" Minseo asked, taking all the flyers off the wall. Someone took a picture of Taehyung with a staff member. They appeared close. "Some staff just don't know what boundaries are. Don't worry about it, Minseo."

Minseo eventually went back to her office to continue her work. Once in a while, her mind wandered off towards the picture. Even though it meant nothing, Minseo couldn't help but wonder once more why Taehyung wanted to be with someone like her. She wasn't pretty, no one special at all.

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