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Minseo POV

The next morning, Minseo woke up to an array of messages. Apparently, she had been put into a groupchat on KakaoTalk with the seven members of the group that is Bangtan.

From TheChimmie
Good morning Minseo!!!
Welcome to the best

From HobiShine
Good morning !!!

From BitterSugar
Did you really have to wake
me up like this?

From ChocoChipKookie
Hi Minseo!!!

From BreakDanger
@BitterSugar Don't you dare
go back to sleep, please, hyung

From SocksJin
I'm gonna make breakfast

From TheChimmie
Guyyys pls, Minseo will think
we're strange

From Taeeetaaae
I'm sure Minseo doesn't mind

From Miinseeoo
Good morning everyone !!!

I don't understand why you would
want me here, tbh

From TheChimmie
Because we think you're talented
and fun to be around with

From Miinseeoo
But you know that I'm a fan

From BreakDanger
We know, but you don't act as
if you are one around us

From BitterSugar
Trust me... If I'm not against it,
you shouldn't worry

From ChocoChipKookie
We want to be your friend

From Miinseeoo
Wow... That means a lot to me

I'll need to get used to this all

From TheChimmie
o.O I have an idea, you should
come to the headquarters and
have a look at what we do

From SocksJin
We can't just invite someone...

From BreakDanger
Let's give Minseo some time to
think about it while we sort
things out with manager-nim

From Taeeetaae
I hope to see you there Minseo :)

Minseo didn't understand why they even want to be her friend. There was nothing interesting about her. She hoped their manager wouldn't let her come to the headquarters. Why would it even be aloud?

She got ready for her day, wondering what would happen. If the manager agreed on letting her see the boys, what would she even do there? She was a very awkward person. Minseo avoided social contact as much as she could.

It all felt so strange and surreal to her. But she knew it would end soon. They would quickly realize they don't want to be her friends anymore.

Minseo took a shower and made herself a simple breakfast of toast, waiting for the message on of the boys would send her. Ara and Mina weren't home, so she didn't have to lie to them.

Her phone pinged. That was quick. It must be because she wasn't allowed to go. Which wouldn't even surprise her. But it wasn't like that.

From BreakDanger
If you send your address,
one of our managers will
pick you up

From Miinseeoo
Can I just go to the dance
studio and get picked up
from there?

From BreakDanger
Sure, I'll send mine then

Minseo couldn't believe it. She would be spending time with the members of her favorite group. She would definitely savour the moment, but make sure not to let her guard down. After today, they might not want to talk to her anymore.

Hard to love | Kim Tae HyungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon