'~ 22 Bullies

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Author POV

Minseo found out the staff member's name being Nina. "You're still here? Do I need to make myself more clear? You took away my dream job!" Minseo ignored Nina when she passed by her. Not the smartest move.

Nina, once again, slammed her against the wall. Her two friends arrived, to make sure Minseo wouldn't leave. "Let's take her." The other two each grabbed an arm, pushing Minseo towards the elevator.

Minseo was being pushed inside the elevator, Nina and her friends got inside as well. They pushed a button to get the elevator moving, only to push another one to stop the elevator completely.

Taehyung POV

He found it strange Minseo wasn't inside the office. She told him she would be there the whole day, so it didn't make sense why she wasn't. As he looked around the floor, he found the elevator not moving. Something didn't feel right, he didn't have a good feeling about this.

Immediately, he took the stairs downstairs, running down. He walked inside the little room where he knew a technician was. The guy seemed surprised to see an idol in there. "The elevator, it's not moving."

The guy nodded, turning on the monitor to see inside the elevator with the camera that was inside. That's when Taehyung saw Minseo, together with three staff members who were kicking her. "Help her!"

Taehyung immediately went back to the elevator's door, waiting for it to open to get his girlfriend out of there. He failed protecting her. Once the doors opened, the three bullies looked up in surprise. Minseo was crying silently, she was scared and hurt. "It's not what it looks like. She provoked us!" Taehyung didn't say anything, picking up Minseo to get her to safety while ignoring the other three.

The security guards took the three staff members away. They would get fired after Taehyung explained what happened. "I'm here, jagi. They won't hurt you again, I promise." He took Minseo towards the group's relaxing room where she could stay for a while.

"What happened?!" Taehyung placed Minseo on the couch, the other guys were looking worried. "They locked her inside the elevator with them and kicked her." He placed a blanket on top of Minseo, moving her hair away from her face. She looked so hurt.

"Poor Minseo. How could anyone hurt her like this?" Taehyung agreed with Jungkook. Those three girls must have said some stuff to Minseo. They probably threatened her with something. Maybe they were jealous Minseo was Taehyung's manager, but then again, they never acted this way around Ji Eun.

The group's manager eventually walked inside, seeing Minseo on the couch. "She won't go to the meeting with the other managers." The manager nodded, letting Taehyung stay with her. The boys would practice their solo performances, but Taehyung could do that another day. He really wanted to stay with Minseo and fortunately they were letting him.

"Jagiya, I'm not gonna leave you alone." Minseo was staring in front of her this whole time in a daze. Taehyung gave her the time she would need to feel better, knowing it could take a while. But he wasn't going to leave her.

Author POV

After what happened, Minseo had fallen asleep. When she woke up, she felt two arms wrapped around her. Somehow, Taehyung found a way to hold her close as they laid on the small couch. "They're honestly so cute together." Minseo opened her eyes, noticing the six boys standing near. Hoseok was the one who had spoken.

"How are you feeling? You worried us all, Minseo." Jimin was very worried. His feelings for her had disappeared, but he still care a lot about Minseo. She was one of his best friends at this point, because she made Taehyunng happy."It hurts." Minseo was still in pain, she was certain that she was full of bruises from all the kicks she received.

The six boys eventually left again, leaving the couple alone as they had to go back to work. Minseo was able to get up, yet she yelped out in pain when trying to. This woke up Taehyung. "Jagi, you shouldn't be moving right now." He got up and kneeled in front of Minseo, resting his hand against her cheek.

"Can I see what they did?" Minseo nodded. Taehyung carefully moved her shirt up and noticed the bruises on her body. "We'll have to get you to the hospital. You might have bruised internally, too." Minseo nodded, taking her phone that somehow survived the attack. She had to let her friends know.

"Why do you care so much?" Minseo flinched when Taehyung gently touched her skin. "I care about you, Minseo. You're my girlfriend. You mean everything to me." She nodded, feeling his lips against hers. His hands was holding her waist gently, deepening their kiss.

No matter what, Taehyung would always care about Minseo. And he was going to make sure she knew.

From Miinseeoo
Hi, it's Taehyung

So, three staff members
hurt Minseo but I'll make
sure they get fired and will
stay away

I'll take her to the hospital

From WhaatAra!!
What?! Who would do something
like this to our Minseo?!!

I'll ask one of my employees
to take over the shop and I'll
meet you at the hospital

From Miinseeoo
Okay, I'll see you there

"Jagi, I'll take you to the hospital now. Ara will meet us there." Minseo nodded, trying to get up once more. Taehyung made sure to be by her side, holding onto her as they left.

Fortunately, Minseo only had to deal with the bruises on her skin. It would take some time for them to heal, but once it was time to head to America, it would be a lot better. Taehyung wanted to go with Minseo, but Ara insisted Minseo would be fine and to just go back to work. He could still catch some of his dance practice. So, that's what he did.

"Minseo, what happened? Why would they do this to you?" Ara wanted to know the truth. She knew Minseo didn't tell Taehyung what happened. "She wanted to be his manager, because she wanted to get close to him." Minseo looked at the wall in front of her. She should have never ignored Nina and this would have never happened.

"She's just blinded by his fame and looks, Minseo. He knows that. It's why he likes you, because you don't see him like that." Minseo nodded, this was exactly what Taehyung told her. He liked her because she treated him as an ordinary guy. It's why Taehyung loved her.

Ara pouted, a sad smile on her face as she carefully hugged her best friend. Minseo needed her right now. She wouldn't know what she would do if she hadn't her friends around. Without them, she would be alone. And although Minseo wanted alone time a lot of the time, she always loved spending time with Ara and Mina.

Once Minseo felt better, smiling again because of some crack videos she watched of the boys, Ara left her alone. Minseo was watching some music videos when her phone rang. Taehyung was calling her.

"Jagiya, how are you feeling?" Their was worry in his voice, he really cared about Minseo. "Better. Ara made me watch some videos to take my mind away." Minseo let out a chuckle. She couldn't just tell him that she was watching videos of him being silly. "My girlfriend is my biggest fan. That's adorable."

Minseo was very grateful Taehyung wasn't video calling her as he just made her blush. But even without seeing her, Taehyung knew Minseo was flustered. It always happened.

Taehyung wanted to know how she was feeling and if the medication she got from the hospital's pharmacy was helping her with the pain. Fortunately it was, which would help her fall asleep easier.

If Minseo stayed in that elevator a few minutes longer, she would be in a worse condition. Taehyung saved her and she would always be grateful for him. It gave her another reason why she liked him more and more.

Maybe Minseo wasn't so hard to love after all.

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