'~ 7 Three of us

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Minseo POV

She followed Ji Eun towards her office. Minseo couldn't comprehend what was going on. She wouldn't even know how to start a job like that, even with the training she would get.

"I know it's so sudden, but it would mean a lot if you could do this." Minseo sat down. It would help her with finding a job. But... Becoming a manager of Taehyung. That wasn't something she thought she would be.

"I guess... But I don't think this will be a job for me." Ji Eun let out a chuckle, a smile on her face. "I'm sure it will be. Taehyung already seems to forget about me, because of you." Minseo didn't want to believe that. There's no reason why Taehyung would be excited to have a new manager in a few months.

Ji Eun gave Minseo a contract to read through. Mentioning to keep everything that happened behind closed door. Minseo signed it. She got a job.

Minseo got brought back to where she came from. The boys that were there seem to be waiting for the news. "Am I looking at my future manager?" Minseo jumped up from Taehyung's voice. "I'm still here. But yes, Minseo signed the contract."

Minseo nodded. She wondered how it would be to work with Taehyung. It was going to be strange, but hopefully she would get used to it.

Throughout the day, Minseo followed along with Ji Eun, getting a tour of the workplace. She got a bit afraid she would get lost, but Ji Eun reassured her she wouldn't. And if she ever did, Minseo could call her or any of the boys as well.

"I heard you're teaching Jimin a choreography." Minseo nodded. Was it bad? Should she tell Jimin they couldn't continue? "Taehyung is a little jealous. He denies it, but I know him."

Minseo didn't want to believe that. Sure, he acted strange when he found out, but it didn't mean there was jealousy. "I don't know..." Ji Eun just let out a chuckle.

Ji Eun was looking through her desk while Minseo looked around. Eventually, maybe, this would become her office. It was a strange thought. But, she couldn't keep lying to herself. Minseo was quite excited to start this adventure.

"There's my phone!" Ji Eun turned it on, keeping Minseo confused. She didn't know what else she would have to do right now. "Give me your KakaoTalk ID. Then, I can reach out to you whenever there's something to do." Minseo nodded, typing in her ID on Ji Eun's phone. It was her professional phone.

"I'll send you the shedule now. Tomorrow, we'll go through the technical side to it all." Minseo nodded, receiving the schedule on her phone. She took a quick glance at it. It was full packed.

Minseo gulped a little. She would get fired soon, she already could tell. "It seems a lot, but I promise it's going to be fine." As if Ji Eun could read Minseo's mind, she immediately reassured the other. Minseo hoped it would be true.

Ji Eun eventually let Minseo leave, getting her the opportunity to spend some more time with the boys. As Minseo was about to open the door, someone grabbed her arm.

"Jimin!" Minseo got a bit of a scare. She didn't like being snuck up on. "Sorry, Minseo. I just wanted to talk to you without the others." He pulled her into an empty room. It looked like some type of meeting room.

"I'm super glad you've found a job here." Jimin exclaimed, he seemed more excited than Minseo. Although, she was glad as well. "I don't know I'll be good at it." She mainly agreed because she noticed how desperate Ji Eun was. And well, Taehyung seemed to want Minseo to be his next manager. Somehow.

Minseo spend some time listening to Jimin tell her stories about his past week. She couldn't believe he was so comfortable around her, as if they knew each other for a long time.

Some voices were heard outside, making Jimin silent. Minseo didn't know what was happening until she heard someone asking where Jimin was. Another voice, was wondering where Minseo went.

Jimin motioned to her to stay quiet until whoever was looking for them had left. Minseo softly chuckled. Why did he not want anyone to know they were here.

"I think they're gone... Namjoon wants to bother me with something." Minseo nodded. She hoped Jimin wasn't in some type of problem. But, maybe, there was nothing wrong.

But if Namjoon was only looking for Jimin... Who was looking for Minseo?

"So... You never told me who your bias is." Minseo pursed her lips together, staring in front of her. She hoped no one would ask her. It reminded her that in the end, she was just a fan. Or well... employee, now.

"Do I have to tell you? You might not like my answer." She could tell Jimin wanted her to say that he was her bias. "It's not me?! I'm so disappointed." He tried keeping any emotion away from his voice, but his voice said it all.

Even if Minseo biased Yoongi, it didn't mean she didn't love the other members. They meant a lot to her equally. "I enjoy coffee and I love my sleep, so..." Minseo looked at Jimin who was puzzled at first.

But then he realized it. "Ah, Yoongi hyung, huh?" Minseo nodded. She couldn't really explain why it happened to be him. He caught her attention first. That's what she would always answer if someone asked her for a reason.

Before Jimin could ask more about Minseo, the door opened. Minseo looked at whoever walked inside. It was Taehyung and he seemed annoyed. Minseo could tell he was avoiding glancing at Jimin. She was so confused.

"Hyung, you can't keep Minseo to yourself." Minseo looked between the two of them. Taehyung was definitely annoyed while Jimin... rolled his eyes? "What? She's not your manager yet." The older boy shrugged. Minseo wondered if they were having some type of argument.

She cared about both of them, so Minseo didn't want to see them fight this way. Especially about her. She was not worth it. "Guys, please, I want to spend time with both of you." Minseo knew she had to get in between. The two friends were supposed to be soulmates, but they weren't acting like that.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Jiminie hyung." Minseo smiled at Taehyung, feeling grateful to see the both of them apologize. Their fight was unnecessary. "I'm sorry too, Taetae." And just like that, they hugged it out. Keeping Minseo happy.

"Why don't the three of us spend time together?" Minseo looked at the both of them, waiting for an answer. They nodded and so, Minseo was spending time with the two boys who were already obsessed with her.

Hello. Sorry if this chapter is a little strange to read. I hope it's still okay. But yeah...

Let me know, once again, what you think.

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