Preparing for Battle

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Alvenia's Point of View:

''I'm not going to hide while you all are out taking risks for me,'' Bella follows Edward, Noah and me out. Noah and Edward carrying the last of my stuff while I grumble about wanting to help. 

Just last night, Bella came up with the theory that Victoria was the one behind the Newborn Army but was hiding behind Riley, letting him make all the decisions. 

''If Victoria is involved, I am keeping you as far away from the fight as possible,'' Edward tells her. ''If it wasn't for how much of an advantage Al can give us during the fight, she wouldn't be anywhere near this either,'' Edward looks at me concerned as Noah turns around from placing the stuff in his car. 

''Jasper said I could be of help,'' Bella tells us. ''Yes, by spreading drops of our blood around the battlefield,'' I remind her. 

''With the Wolves and the Mikaelsons in this, it's an easy win,'' Noah assures her. ''Okay, so either it's so dangerous that I have to hide, or it's so easy that you are going to be side bound. Which is it?'' Bella asks him. 

''It's easy for us, dangerous for you,'' Edward tells her. ''I think it's dangerous for us to be apart. How many times do we have to prove that? I'll be worried. You'll be worried. And we'll both feel more horrible,'' Bella tells him. 

Noah and I share a look as he looks back at Edward. ''She's right, you should hide with her, leave the fighting to us. As I said before, with the Wolves and Via's family fighting with us, it's a given,'' Noah tells him. ''Are you sure?'' Edward asks looking between the two of us. ''We're sure, you just keep Bella safe,'' I tell him. 

''Come on let's drop this stuff off at home and then meet Jasper on the field,'' I tell them walking towards the car. 

Time Skip:

''You're not fighting, you pull a muscle or something?'' Jake teases Edward. ''Jake, shut up,'' I tell him glaring. ''He's doing it for me okay,'' Bella defends Edward. 

''It's the only way that we could keep her away from the fight without her being stubborn,'' I continue. Jake just rolls his eyes. ''What's the plan?'' Jake looks between Noah and Jasper.

''This field will give us an advantage in battle,'' Jasper gestures to the field around us. ''We will lure the Newborns here with Via and Bella's scent. It needs to end here so that no innocent lives are lost,'' Noah continues. 

''Edward and I will be going to camp sight, but even if he carries me, they will still catch my scent,'' Bella explains to him. 

''That is where you come in,'' I tell him. ''Your stench, is revolting,'' Edward was plain honest. ''Dude you don't really want to go comparing scents,'' Jake gives him a look. 

I roll my eyes leaning back into Noah's chest as his arms rest around my waist on my pregnant belly. ''You okay?'' he asks me. I nod my head sleepily. 

''Your scent will mask mine if you carry me,'' Is what I hear when I refocus on the conversation. ''Done,'' Jake was quick to agree. 

''I don't like this idea,'' Edward looks to Jasper, Noah and me. ''I don't either this is our sister we are talking about, but the Newborns won't want to get anywhere near his odour,'' Noah looks at Jake sheepishly, ''no offence,'' he tells my friend. 

''Dude the only reason I put up with you is so that I don't lose Al as my best friend,'' Jake tells him. ''Okay, guys let's just try this shall we,'' I stand up straighter resting a hand on my belly as Noah was the reason I hadn't fallen over. 

Soon Jake runs off with Bella in his arms and Jasper turns to look at Noah and me. ''I will show you a spot I think would be a good vantage point for you to hide in,'' Jasper places a hand on my back and leads me away. 

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