Bella is Pregnant

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Twenty-One Month Pregnant Belly.

Alvenia's Point of View

Four Weeks Later:

(Two were Bella and Edward on Their Honeymoon, and The Other Two, Spent at Home):

''You should go down and see her?'' Noah sighs walking into our bedroom. ''I can't,'' I whisper. ''We were told at a young age that she was infertile,'' I tell him. 

''She is down there, frail, not able to keep anything down, dying, all because she is determined to carry her child, but here I am, carrying two, and completely fine,'' I tell him.

''Im scared, that they both would hate me,'' I whisper. There was a knock on our bedroom door and I look at Noah and see him walk towards the door and see Edward waiting on the other side. 

''Can I talk to her,'' Edward mutters. Noah looks at me before looking back at Edward and nods his head. 

''I don't hate you, you know,'' Edward tells me. ''And I know Bella doesn't either,'' Edward smiles but grimaces. ''I should have been careful like you believed I would be. We knew that it was possible for our kind to conceive yet we still went ahead with it,'' Edward sighs. 

''It's okay,'' I tell him softly. ''Come down,'' He tells me. ''I think Bella will find more comfort in being down there with her,'' Edward tells me. 

''I just want to finish looking through these,'' I tell him gesturing down to the Grimoires. ''Bring them down,'' Edward suggests. 

I sigh grabbing them and made my way out of my room and downstairs. As soon as I walk into the living room I see Bella perk up immediately. ''Hey,'' she smiles at me tiredly. ''Hey,'' I smile at her. 

''What are you looking for?'' She asks me looking at my Grimoires. ''Just looking for a spell that will let me know what your baby wants so that we can find a way for you to keep food down,'' I tell her. As she was about to say something, I heard a motorcycle pull up out front.

Bella and I share a look as Carlisle gets up and walks downstairs to greet Jake. ''Jake is that you?'' Bella calls down. 

Soon I hear Jake come up the staircase but Rose steps in front of Bella and me protectively. ''I'm glad you're here,'' Bella speaks up when we hear him walk into the room, his footsteps distinctive against Carlisle's.

''Close enough,'' Rose steps forward, obviously not wanting Jake any closer to us from her thoughts. ''What's your problem?'' Jake sneers at her. 

''Rose it's okay,'' Bella and I tell her. She looks at us concerned but I just give her a small smile in assurance. Rose nods turning back to look at Jake before moving out of the way and letting Jake see us. 

''You look terrible,'' Jake was honest. ''What every woman would want to hear,'' I scoff narrowing my eyes at him not looking forward to seeing his reaction. 

''So are you going to tell me what is wrong with you?'' Jake asks. Bella looks between Rose and me. ''Can you guys help me up?'' She asks.

Rose and I share a look before I get up and help Bella up. As I expected, Jake's reaction was not pretty. ''You did this,'' Jake marches towards Edward and I watch Noah step up beside Edward as well as Emmett. 

''We didn't think this was possible,'' Carlisle informs him. ''Al has been pregnant for four months,'' Jake tells them. ''They're not talking about them being able to procreate, I was told years ago that I was infertile, we don't know how this happened,'' Bella speaks up sitting back down. 

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