She's Ruthless

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Elliot's POV 

"Abrelle are you okay?" I ask trying my best to get her attention. She stares at the papers in front of her, but I can tell she's not reading them. 

Her entire body is shaking and I can see a slight redness building across her face, she's angry. 

"Abrelle," I say, as I move closer to her. "Are you okay?" 

"Abrelle," Jazmine says placing a hand on her shoulder. "I know this is a lot of information to take in. How are you?" 

"I won't tell anyone you gave me this," Abrelle looks up, making eye contact with Jazmine.

"It doesn't matter," Jazmine shakes her head and I can see the panic in her eyes. "The minute you mention the autopsy they will know I gave it to you. You can't tell anyone about this."

"I'm not going to sit on this and do nothing," Abrelle says, her voice cold and threatening. "Now, I can keep you safe and still use this."

"How?" Jazmine asks. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to blackmail Elizabeth," she smirks and I can see her urge for revenge. "I'm going to tell her that if anything happens to you, I will release everything."

"It doesn't matter," Macy shakes her head. "I can get you a job in England Jazmine, that was our deal."

"Yes," she nods. "But am I going to be safe? Is the Louise family going to come for me?" 

"They won't know it's you," Macy says, a slight smirk on her face. "I'll get you everything you need to start a new life with a new identity. I told you I would ensure you came out of this safely." 

"Fine," Jazmine nods relaxing at Macy's words. 

"Great," Abrelle stands up and I can see how angry she is. Her pupils are dilated and she's breathing faster than normal. "I have things I need to take care of ."

"Abrelle," I grab her arm. "You need to think about what you're going to do carefully, we can't just throw this new information away." 

"I'm not going to throw this away Stone," she pulls her arm free from my grip. "But I'm not going to allow rats to continue to infest my company. They leave today.

Is she thinking about firing Elizabeth and Stephan? I mean, they might not even be the responsible ones.

She rolls her eyes and walks out of the room, making her way toward Noah's room. 

"No," I shake my head. "You can't just fire them Abrelle, they're going to know something is up."

"I can fire them," she stops walking and turns to glare at me. "It's my company and I can do as I please!" 

"Think Abrelle," I tell her trying my best to keep my tone kind. "How do you know it was them and not Sam or Alisson?" 

"I know my family," she says clenching her jaw. "Alisson loved my dad, she wouldn't kill him."

"I remember you saying the same thing year ago," I roll my eyes and I see the way she flinches at words. 

God, I shouldn't have said that. 

She stays quiet for a few seconds before she continues walking toward Noah's room. I don't say anything as we walk and she looks back a few times as if making sure I'm still following her. 

"Hey Abrelle," Genesis says as we approach the waiting room near  Noah's room. "Can we talk?" 

"Not right now," Abrelle says, she doesn't say it in a condescending tone. She's quite kind in the way she speaks. 

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