As Time Passed By: Prologue

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A/N: I'm new in the fanfic universe of wattpad so bear with me. The idea of this story has been playing around in my head for a while now... So without further ado... As Time Passed By. Enjoy!


Eight Grade. A new year. A new leaf. But still the same old me.

Right now, Riley, Lucas, Farkle and I are at some crazy high school party. Natalie, a friend of Riley's from the cheer team, was throwing the party. Yeah, even Farkle was invited. We four are a package deal now. Everybody knows that.

There were a lot of people here. A lot of familiar faces that I see on the subway on my way to school.

Riles and I were dancing and everything when she suddenly froze at the sight of something behind me. When I tried to turn around, she tugged my hand and said, "Maya, c'mon. Let's leave. It's getting late."

"Riles, what are you talking about? It just turned seven. Your curfew's not for another hour. Why are you in such a-" I halted because I finally saw what she saw as I turned around.

Josh was there. Uncle Josh. Making out with some girl in a rather dark corner. "Yeah you're right," I said and then I bolted.

I ran out of there as fast as I could I ran and I ran. It wasn't until I was nearing the street sign, four blocks away from the house, that I stopped and let it all out.

Because I was sobbing rather loudly, I didn't hear Riley come up behind me. It wasn't until I felt on my hand on my back that I knew she was there. I knew it was her because I'd know that hand anywhere. It's the same comforting hand that held me at times when everything just felt too much.

"From the get go, I knew I had no chance at all. He made it very clear that he didn't want me, but why does it hurt? CAN ANYBODY TELL ME WHY IT FUCKING HURTS?!?" I scream out loud hoping to let go of some frustration.

"Oh Maya," was all Riley said before she hugged me real tight.

We stayed like that for a while as I got myself together.

"You know, I'm tired of all this bullshit. I'm gonna move on and I'm gonna forget that jerk." I say though I don't know who I was trying to convince, me or Riley.

"And we'll be with you every step of the way," I hear someone say behind me. There's only one person who has that voice. I whip my head behind me and see Lucas and Farkle standing right behind me with comforting but not pitying smiles on their faces.

I run up to them and envelop them in a huge group hug that Riley soon joined.

These people will always make me feel safe even if I feel like I'm falling at the edge of the world.

As Time Passed By (A Josh And Maya Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now