As Time Passed By: Chapter Fourteen

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Riley's POV

When that happened, Lucas took the initiative to run and find a doctor.

He came back through the door a few moments later with Dr. Richards in tow. He checked all of Maya's vital signs and everything was normal. He suggested that Maya get some rest and we all leave her alone for a while, and so we did.

The door shut close in Dr. Richards' office. Everyone found their place in the small room anxious to find out what the hell is going on.

"It seems to me that Maya has Lacunar Amnesia (A/N). It the loss of memory on one specific event - or in this case person." He looks at Uncle Josh.

"But why is it only me? Everyone else she remembers!" Uncle Josh exclaims, desperation lacing his voice.

"This is a very very rare case of amnesia. Amnesia itself is very rare!" Dr. Richards says.

"Is there anything we can do to help her remember?" Dad says his eyes flickering to Uncle Josh.

"There is something you can't do." He takes a deep breath and I'm sensing what he was about to say wasn't going to make anyone happy. And I wasn't wrong.

"You cannot force her to remember any of those past memories. You have to let go back to her on her own."

"But what if it doesn't?" I ask.

"Then it is what's meant to happen. You know, contrary to popular belief, medicine doesnt cure everything. Theres a greater force at work than Science." He looks to everyone of us in the room. "We have to have faith that Maya, in time, will remember."

We're back at my house. Angela had gone to one of her lectures and Lucas had to go home to help his mother with something. He wanted to stay, but Maya said he should go. After all, she is okay now.

"It feels so good to be finally out of that room!" She crashes onto the couch.

"It's good to see you out that room." Farkle says sitting on the love seat by the door.

"So now what do we do?" She asks. I think it's about time to break the bad news to her. I look to Farkle and see him nod.

"Maya," I sit on her right.


"You missed of months of school." Farkle says.

"So?" She says not getting where we're going at.

"You missed two months worth of school work." I say.

"Oh shit!" Realizatiom flashes across her eyes and then panic.

"Dont worry baby girl, everyone here can help." Katy says taking a seat on her left. Katy's phone starts to buzz and she ignores it catching Maya's attention.

"Mom, why aren't you answering the phone?" She asks.

"Doesn't matter. Its probably just my agent." She waves it off.

"What is it mom?" Maya faces her. Katy gives off a look that says she really doesn't want to say, but Maya gives her one in return. One that says, you can't hide anything from me.

"They found out you were okay and they want me to come back to work already or else they're gonna replace me." She gives in.

"Mom! What are you doing here then?" She exclaims standing up.

"But honey you just got-" she rises and tries to counter but gets cut off.

"No buts! You fly back to LA tonight and resume taping." Maya orders.

Maya had once confided in me when Katy was still contemplating whether to go to LA and chase her dreams when she had gotten an offer. This is her dream, Riley. I can't let her stop chasing hers for me when all my life she's supported me on chasing my own. She had once said.

"You're my daughter! I can't just leave you after you just got discharged!!" She says.

"You can and you will." She puts her hands on her mother's shoulder. Sometimes, they act more like sisters rather than mother and daughter. "Besides, I can stay here. Right Mr. and Mrs. Matthews?" She looks to my parents and throwing me a positive smile.

"We'd be happy to have you." Mom says. I can tell on Maya's face that she doesn't want her mother to go, but if she doesn't, Maya can never forgive herself for passing up such an opportunity.

"If you so worried, she can stay with me." Uncle Shawn speaks up. That's odd. He's staying with us.

"What do you mean?" Katy looks at him.

"I bought an apartment a block from here. Maybe Maya can stay with me." He shoves his hands inside his pockets.

"You're staying?" Maya beams at him and so do I.

"For good." He says. We run up to hug him. I hear everyone in the background chuckling at us.

"Well that's settled then. I'm staying and Maya's staying with me."

A/N: I don't really know much about the subject. I just searched on Google: cases of amnesia where they only forget one person. This came up: Lacunar amnesia is the loss of memory about one specific event. It is a type of amnesia that leaves a lacuna (a gap) in the record of memory.

P.S. I'd like to thank everyone who's commented and voted for this story. It really means a lot to me.

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