As Time Passed By: Chapter One

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Four Years Later

"Maya, can I see you for a moment?" My art teacher, Mrs. Anna Pembleton, called out right after the bell rang. I nodded my head yes and proceeded to gather my things.

After the room cleared out, I stood up and went to her table. "Maya, you don't happen to have any plans tomorrow night, do you?"

"No, Mrs. P. Why'd you ask?" I say clutching my brown leather satchel.

"I was wondering if you'd be so kind and accompany me to this art gallery?" She says presenting me the tickets.

"I'd be glad to, Mrs. P." I say with a wide grin.

"Great! I'll meet you there at seven?" She says.

"Yeah, that'd be awesome. I better go before all the food's gone," I say pointing to the door.

"Oh yes yes. You to Maya." She says.

I walk off to the cafeteria with a skip in my step.

"You look a bit to happy for my taste." Farkle grumbles as he falls behind me in the queue for food.

"Why? What's wrong with you?" I ask him as we grab our food.

"I got an B in my calculus test." He grumbles miserably.

"Awh Farkle I'm so sorry for you, but I don't believe us mortals know your pain." I say sarcastically. We're now paying for our food, but just before I paid mine, Farkle jumped in for both our meals. "Thanks, Farkle."

"Anytime," he smiles. "I see Riley
and Lucas. Hurry, before they make out." He grabs me and walks briskly to the table.

"Hey weirdos." I say -
a smile evident on my face.

"Hey," the two say simultaneously.

"Why do you look extra happy?" Riley tilts her head to the side.

"I'm going to an art gallery tomorrow with Mrs. P." I say proudly. Riley just smiles at me and my reaction.

"Do I look okay?" I say smoothing out my dress.

"You look fine. Now cmon. Johnny's gonna be here any moment now." Riley says fixing my hair.

We hear the bell ring and then Mrs. Matthews calls out, "Maya! Jonathan's here!"

I rush out the door with Riley right at my tail. At my haste, I trip on my own two feet and swear. "Language Maya!"

"Mrs. Matthews how many times have I said. It's normal for a teenager to - Uncle Josh!" I froze up. I was very surprised to see him when I turned a corner. A little warning would've been nice Riles.

"Uncle Josh! You're here!" Huh, judging from Riley's reaction. I guess she didn't expect him either. But unlike my reaction, Riley threw her arms around her uncle.

"Hey Riles." He chuckles. "Maya! It's been a long time! You look nice..." He says with an easy going smile.

"Thanks.. I uhh better go. I'll catch up with you later. " I say before walking towards the door. I wave bye at the Matthews before meeting with Johnny.

Well that was awkward.

As Time Passed By (A Josh And Maya Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now