As Time Passed By: Chapter Seven

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Josh's POV

We just ate dinner and Shawn and I are currently on the couch watching TV.

"Mom I'm getting worried." Riley speaks up as she paces the room. She's been worried since dinner. She barely touched her food.

"Don't worry. She probably stopped at more shops on the way." Cory says as he checked papers on the dining table. He may have said it so nonchalantly, but I could tell he was starting to get worried, too.

In fact, I could feel the whole apartment was tense. Even Auggie knew something was off. No one just wanted to speak up. "Yeah, don't worry. She might have just taken a walk out while she's at it." Shawn says, but I don't know who he was trying to convince - himself or everyone else.

"But she would've called by now." Riley finally stops pacing and takes a seat beside me.

"Riley will you relax? Everything's gonna be fine." I put my hand on her shoulder hoping to comfort her.

"I just have a bad feeling about this one that's all." She says looking like a sad little puppy.

Suddenly, the phone rings. Riley jumps to answer it. "Hello? Yes this is Riley Matthews speaking? She's... She's what?" And then Riley falls to the ground with the phone clutched in her hands.

"Riley? Riley, honey what's wrong?" Topanga worriedly runs up to her.

The next sentence that came out of Riley's mouth made my blood run cold.

"Maya... It's Maya. She got into a car accident."

We all rush to the hospital. On the way, Topanga called Katy and Cory called Farkle and Lucas. Everyone was in a frantic state, but it was Riley who really lost it.

"WHERE IS SHE?!?" Riley screams at the receptionist at the ER.

"Miss you have to calm down." You can tell by the sound of her voice that she's pretty used to this.

But Riley was inconsolable "Don't ask me to calm down my best friend just fucking got into a-" Before she could finish, she was cut off by Topanga who seems to be the only one who won't have a panic attack.

"Riley. Calm down." She approaches the desk. "Miss, we're looking for Maya Hart. The teenage girl that got into a car accident."

"Are you her parents?" She asks.

"No. We're her legal guardians while her mom is away." Topanga says. Yeah you heard right. A couple years back, Katy and the Matthews saw it fitting that they became her legal guardian officially since Maya was always at the Matthews and Katy was always away.

"Oh all right. She's in the ICU for now. That way, ma'am." She points to the door on the right of her desk.

"Thank you." Topanga smiles. "C'mon." She drags Auggie along as she quickly walks to the door.

When we enter the ICU, we see a doctor, and ask him where Maya was. Luckily, he was one of the doctors who operated on Maya.

"Doc, can you tell me what's happening?" Cory asks.

"Mr. Matthew! You're Maya's legal guardian?" Cory obviously knows this dude.

"Yes, Dr. Richards. Now, can you please tell me what's wrong with her?" He asks frantically, and just in time, Farkle and Lucas burst through the door.

"Hey we came as soon as we could? How is she doing?" Lucas says. He looked like a mess, but less of a mess than Farkle. Farkle looked catatonic.

"Well she broke her right leg and 3 ribs. Her right arm also took a hit. And we're just observing her for the night. By tomorrow, we'll be able to move her to a private room." He explains.

"Will she be okay?" Riley asks nervously.

"As of now, she's in coma. But, Maya's a strong girl. She'll pull through." He says positively.

"Thank you, Dr. Richards. Can we go in and see her?" Topanga asks.

"Only one at a time. Now if you would excuse me. I'm being paged." He excused himself and walked out the door.

"Farkle, you should go first. I don't think I can handle seeing her." Riley says.

"No, I think you should go." While they were all arguing on who should go in first, I wordlessly slipped inside.

The sight I saw when I entered the room broke my heart. Tubes were running in and out of her body. Her arm was in a cast and so was her right leg. She looked so... broken. And I just felt helpless.

I took a seat beside her bed and leaned forward. "Maya? I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was always such a jerk to you. You know, only now am I admitting why I-" I choked. Words got trapped in my throat, but I forced them out anyway. "Please don't let go. Please keep fighting." I grip her hand and plead one more time, "Please.."

And I didn't realize it, but tears started streaming down my face. I was too busy in my own world that I didn't notice someone came into the room. "Uncle Josh?" It was Riley.

"Riley." I say sniffing and rubbing the tears off my face. "I was just... uhh... talking to her. I should go."

I walk out the the door quickly and looked for a way out. I just needed to get out of here. Before I could leave, someone grabbed my arm. It was Cory.

"Josh! That's where you- hey why are you crying?"

"Sorry, Cory. I gotta. I gotta go." I avert my gaze and started walking into a corridor that I don't even know where it leads.

"Josh!" I heard him call out, but I ignored it.

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