As Time Passed By: Chapter Twelve

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Shawn's POV

Week seven. Right now, I'm back at the Matthew's browsing the Internet for any apartments nearby. I haven't asked Cory or Topanga for help because I wasn't entirely sure yet of what I wanted - to stay or to keep up with my job.

I've set my laptop down on the coffee table to get a glass of water to quench my thirst when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get the door!" I announce to no one in particular. Everyone was in their own rooms minding their own business.

The person on the other side of the door took me aback. "Angela?"

"Shawn?" She says surprised to see me answer the door instead of Cory. "This is the Matthews' place, isn't it?"

"Yeah! I umm... uhh... crashing here for a while." I explain. "C'mon in." She goes in, takes off her coat which I put on the rack, all the while saying nothing to each other.

"Angela?" Cory comes out, obviously dressed to go to the hospital.

"Cory! It's so good to see you." He embraces her. He gives me a look that says what the hell, and I just shook me head. "How have you been doing!" She pats his back.

"I'm great. Oh hold on. I'll call Topanga." He breaks away from the hug and runs to the hallway. "Topanga!!! You better come out here in the living room!!!" He calls out.

"What Cory! This better not be something you and Shawn did-" she was in mid rant until she saw Angela standing there with tears brimming her eyes.

"Angela?" Topanga says not believing what she saw.

"Hey Topanga." She says hugging Topanga real tight.

"Oh my God!!! What are you doing here? I thought you'd be in Paris right now?" Topanga says. They do this girl thing where they kiss each other's cheek.

"No, there's a convention I'm attending here at New York and I thought it'd be a good idea to drop by." I bet you're wondering what it is that Angela does. It was in Europe that she got discovered. She became a model over there and for a while that's all that she did. She became a fashion designer later on and now, from what I hear, she's a blogger/ journalist about fashion and whatever it is she wants to write really.

"That's great. But there's something not-so-great happening right now." Cory says grabbing the food they packed away for Josh on the kitchen counter. They thought maybe the boy needed some nutrients in him. He's really starting to thin down. "Topanga honey, we have to go to the hospital." He says handing Topanga her coat.

"The hospital?" Angela asks, confused at what was happening.

"Yeah. Sorry Angela. But we really have to really go. I promise we'd be back in time to cook for dinner." She says running out the door, hurriedly wearing her coat. I doubt Angela noticed the pointed look Topanga gave me before leaving.

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