As Time Passed By: Chapter Two

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My date with Johnny was uneventful. Movies and fast food. He had asked me on a second date, but I politely declined. I felt as if I would only be stringing him along if I said yes.

Now, I'm at Riley's. Sleepover again. We're both on her bed and we've long retired. "Maya?"

"Hmm?" I respond. My eyes were already closed and I was really tired.

"If you felt so much for my Uncle Josh... Why'd you let go?" Riley asks meekly. I know this question has been floating around Riley's mind for a while now. I was just waiting for her to ask it.

"He was already in my dungeon of sadness." I reply with a joke. She chuckles.

"But really..." She says calming down from her fit of giggles.

There was a silence in the air before I decided to reply. "I think it's because I've finally accepted the fact that he'll always be the guy that gets off the train and that I'll only get hurt." I say remembering the time Riley and I went on our first date and Josh was there.

"Ohh.." Was all Riley could say. "Well, goodnight best friend."

"Night," I say with a yawn

I woke up in the middle of the night.

Stupid dream. It was too good to be true and downright outrageous.

I looked at the alarm clock to the side and saw it was half-past twelve.

I decided to have a glass of milk so I went to the kitchen.

I was pouring myself a glass of milk when I heard footsteps behind me. "Maya, what are you doing up so late?"

It was Uncle Josh. Judging from his disheveled form, he woke up in the middle of the night too.

"Uncle Josh!" I say quite surprised to see him awake, too. "I'm seventeen you know... Not seven. Anyway, I couldn't sleep. Glass of milk?"

"Yes please," he says sitting down on the bench. "So... What's keeping you up?"

"Dreams." I reply briefly. Sitting down and passing him his glass of milk.


"Not really... I'd rather call it a beautiful nightmares." I say drinking my glass of milk.

"And why is that?" He asks.

"They're dreams of something I know will never come true." I say mysteriously.

"Mysterious as ever." He chuckles.

"Sooo summer's just around the corner... You spending it in Phili or New York?" I ask after an awkward pause between us.

"I know I'm gonna spend it here. Mom and dad are planning to go on a cruise around Europe or something." He says.

"Ohh that's great!"

"I know right? Wish I could go with them, but I'm not too fond of boats. How about you? How's your life going along?" He asks giving me that carefree smile of his.

"Nothing going on really... Oh yeah! Some of my artworks are all over the school." I say nonchalantly as if it wasn't such a big deal.

"Nice... Congratulations." He says.

"Thank you. I've been trying to get my act together. I plan on getting into a really good college and to do that, I'd have to be good." I say my eyes averting from his unwavering gaze. Riley wasn't the only one afraid of change around here. So was I. Now, we're making it our life's mission to get into the same college. As crazy as it sounds... I've convinced her to apply art schools overseas that have amazing fashion designing and creative writing courses.

"That's great." He says. Another awkward moment passes between us and before we know it, it was past one thirty in the morning.

I down the rest of my milk quickly before I stood up and put the glass into the sink. "I better hit the hay... Still have school tomorrow."

"Oh yeah.. Go ahead." He says. "Goodnight Maya."

"Goodnight Uncle Josh."

As Time Passed By (A Josh And Maya Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now