As Time Passed By: Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: Random update on a Monday cuz classes were suspended and I felt like it. XD

"Mom! What are you doing here!?"

Okay, before I tell you what's going on. let me rewind to what happened after Josh left.

I was ride the elevator resembling Riley in her crazy happy stage. I saw rainbows and butterflies and unicorns. Okay, I didn't really but you get the picture.

I was still day dreaming about the dance as I exit the elevator and walk to our apartment.

Oh! Did I tell you he and I slow danced? Oh my god! He held me so close I could smell his perfume. God...

"Don't you find is clichéd they're playing this song? Of all the songs." He says as we dance to the melody of 'Can I Have This Dance.' Personally, this is my favorite HSM song so I don't really mind.

Everyone was on the dance floor, even some of the teachers. I see, Mr. McCormick, our PE teacher, with our History teacher, Ms. Emma. I can see Riley and Lucas from here, they were near the center of the ballroom.

On a normal circumstance, I would blush at our distance. But since it is a dance, I don't mind our proximity that much. His right hand was on my waist, as was my left on his shoulder. And my tiny right hand was gently clasped in his larger hand. Right now, I've never felt more comfortable in my life.

"I don't mind. I grew up watching High School Musical." I reply to which he chuckles.

"If you'd allow it, Maya. I do want to get to know you. Before you leave for Paris that is." He sounded unsure, not like the cocky confident type of I guy I thought he was. He sounded like a high school kid like me.

"I'd like that." I say smiling as we sway to the music.

"Mom! What are you doing here! I thought you weren't meant to go home for another month." I say as I run up to hug her.

"Filming finished early." She replies hugging me tightly.

"That's great!" I reply as we let go. My eyes worriedly flicker to Shawn who was on the couch. It's only him though. Angela and Mr. Moore probably retired early. "Will we be moving back to our old house though?" I didn't want to leave this place. I've grown to love it and my new found dad and housemates.

"That's the thing." She says looking at Shawn and biting her lip. Whenever she did that, bad news always follows. "The reason why I came back as soon as I could..." She trails off and I motion for her to continue.

"I'm moving to LA." My eyes widen in shock. "I've already got two projects lining up and it would be pointless to keep paying for rent and everything, when I'm not in New York all that much. And you have a place here with Shawn so..." I put my hand on her shoulder and say, "I understand."

"You do?!" She says surprised but nonetheless happy.

"I do," I nod my head, "but I'm gonna have to see this new place of yours before Riley and I leave for Paris." I make light of the situation.

"Thank you so much honey! For understanding." She hugs me once more. "No problem." My reply is muffled in her blouse.

"Okay, so when do we start cleaning up the old place?" I say as we break free from our hug.

"I was thinking maybe we could start tomorrow?" She says uncertainly.

"Yeah... That'd be great. In the meanwhile, let's get your things to my room. You are not sleeping in a hotel while you're in New York." I say as Shawn and I help her with her luggage.

As Time Passed By (A Josh And Maya Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora