As Time Passed By: Chapter Ten

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Riley's POV

It's been five weeks. Still no change. She's still in coma and I'm still stuck here. In school. Listening to my father ramble on and on about something.

"I've read all of your works on self-defense mechanisms and there was one I think you should all hear." He says holding up a paper

"Amy was special. Unlike any other person I've ever met. She's loyal and kind, when she chooses to be. She's beautiful, but broken. But aren't the best things in life?" Now that caught my attention. "For different situations, she has a self-defense mechanism. There's one in particular that I feel is worth mentioning.

"Amy had always been left. By her father and her mother in some way. Two of the most important people in her life. It's not a surprise she would act even more oddly towards the person who'll soon be at the top of her lost. Having been left on so many occasions, this new dilemma was... a challenge. But even so, she made her feelings known. How she went about it was interesting. She joked about it. Joked about how she loved him and that they were gonna marry one day. And at every turn he rejected her. It hurt, but she didn't show it. Instead, she had a smile on her face like... like what he was saying didn't hurt.

"I've chosen to write about Amy because she's a person dear to my heart. A person who has always protected be. Who has always had me under her wing. She's someone I love and someone who I would do anything to keep the smile on her face." By the end of that everyone in the class was hanging on to every single word.

"Who wrote that paper?" Lucas queries. Dad doesn't respond. He only walks up to the seat behind me and sets the paper down on the table. "That was a beautiful paper, Farkle."

"Thank you, Mr. Matthews." He smiles, but it's a sad one.

I turn to face him. "That was about Maya, wasn't it?" He only nods once in response.

It's after school hours now. Dinner time. Mom and dad have convinced everyone to have dinner at our house.

Everyone was there: Uncle Josh, Farkle, Lucas, Farkle's Dad, Uncle Shawn and even Maya's Mom. She had arrived the day after Maya was brought to the hospital.

The police had just come by and told us what had happened. The driver was speeding and when she saw that Maya was crossing the street she had tried to hit the break, but the break was broken. After the car had hit Maya, it crashed into one of the street lights. She was dead on arrival. A shard had gone into her chest.

The doctors hadn't come with better news either. Apparently, they overlooked a small detail. When they were reviewing Maya's brain scans, they saw that there was a slight swelling in Maya's brain. They've taken new scans, it's gone down, but it's still there. We were warned that it could do some damage to her memory.

"Shawn? Riley? How is she?" Katy Hart walks through the door. We were all sitting in chairs that lined the hallway of the ICU. Farkle had just gone inside to see Maya.

"Katy!" Uncle Shawn rises up to hug her. "The doctors say she's stable. She's gonna be moved to a private room tomorrow. They're still observing her."

They break away and she turns to me. "Oh Riley." She says tears streaming down her face. I wasn't any better.

For a moment, we just stood there. That was until Farkle came out of the room. "Ms. Hart." He says hugging her. I break away wiping my tears when my mom spoke up.

"You should go in there Katy. You should see Maya." Mom motions to the door. "We're only allowed inside one at a time."

Ms. Hart just nods and walks into the room.

"Thank you for the lovely meal, Topanga." Ms. Hart says.

"Thank you, Katy." We all eat in silence. Everyone seemed really hungry tonight. Or their just avoiding talking about the elephant in the room.

"Katy, I hope you don't mind, but I've already instructed my assistant to take care of the bill at the hospital." Mr. Minkus says.

"Mr. Minkus, I couldn't possibly-" Katy contests.

"Please, Katy. It's the only thing I can do right now. Not only for you and for May, but for my son also." He says putting his hand on his shoulder. "I suppose we're all feeling hopeless right now. I just had to do something."

"Thank you. Mr. Minkus."

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