13 Everything is gone

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Damian POV

"Ellie! ELLIE!" I screamed as I ran toward the burning truck.

"Sir, you can't go there." suddenly said a police officer who stopped me.

"My girlfriend is in that truck. Let me through!" I yelled at him as I pushed him aside, but he held my arm tightly as he tried to hold me back.

"Sir, I-" he replied.

"Damian!" I heard a familiar voice call out.

It was Ellie. Thank heavens she was okay. I tore myself away and ran toward her.

She was sitting on the ground, shaking all over. Slowly she tried to get up, but she couldn't. Ellie was covered in soot, her clothes torn in some places. I saw that she had a long cut on her collarbone that was bleeding like crazy.

I quickly rushed to her and fell to my knees in front of her. Immediately I stopped her from getting up. I took her face in my hands.

"Ellie, my god, Ellie. Thank God you're okay. I was so scared." I said, covering her with tears, soot and blood smeared face.

"I... I couldn't get out... The door wouldn't unlock. I tried and tried.... I was so scared... It was so hot and the smoke... the smoke.... I couldn't breathe... I broke the window with the glass bottle. Then I climbed out... I saw... Scott running away." she began to cry as I put her arms around my neck and clung to me with everything she had.

"Shhh.... Shhh... everything is okay... You're safe. I've got you, Ellie-Bell." I whispered to her to somehow calm her down.

I could hardly believe what she was telling me, that this bastard was trying to hurt my angel. She could have died. And for what? That his affairs didn't come out in the open? That son of a bitch. If I ever get my hands on him, it'll be his last hour.

"That was so damn close... Everything is gone... He wanted to destroy the evidence so I couldn't expose him." Ellie breathed, sniffling.

She looked over at the burning vehicle, watching as the firefighters began to extinguish the flames.

"It doesn't matter, baby girl. You are all right. Everything is all right. That is what is most important. Material things can be replaced... You can't be replaced. I love you, you hear me? And I'm glad I didn't lose you," I replied as I pulled back a bit to look her in the eye.

"I love you too, D. I'm so grateful for you." she said and then leaned in to give me a kiss.

I just wanted to hold her. Those minutes when I thought I had lost her had been terrifying. Never in my life had I felt such pain as when I thought she might be gone forever.

When I looked into the eyes of this woman, I knew that I could no longer imagine a life without her in it. She was something special. Ellie was more important to me than anything before. Even though it started as a temptation, it quickly became so much more.

"Cásate conmigo..." I whispered as she held my gaze.

"What?" asked Ellie, confused as she began to cough violently.

I quickly came back to my senses and blinked a few times.

"Not important.... Let's get you fixed up, baby. Your arm is bleeding too." then I said after a few minutes.

I carefully moved my arms under her to lift her into my arms. Ellie laid her head against my chest as I carried her to the ambulance that had just arrived.

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