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Alex used to never be afraid, maybe it was because anytime he was in a life threatening situation he had someone he knew or loved with him.

He never was alone.

But now he was and he didn't know what to do.
Every ounce of him wanted to go back and get Hopper, his powers itching to be used once more but he promised Hopper that whatever happened he would not go back to save him so that was what he intended to do

He needed to go back see his sister and the rest of the party he needs to be strong.


Alex trudged on the cold cutting at his skin. He was now shivering as still had no shoes on and it was now becoming  late and the moon began to appear

As Alex went on he noticed a building with a small light that had been left on

He was a bit hesitant on going onwards but was also curious to see what it was

He snuck around the building to make sure it was clear and as it turned out nobody was there

When he entered through the door he saw a jet black plane hidden under a large grey cloth

His face lit up, this was his ticket out of here. This was his ticket home

He rushed towards it and entered inside, he flicked the buttons on the plane to see if any would turn on and eventually after several tries a green light appeared

Even though Alex had no experience on how to fly a plane he had watched many movies on it and kind of understood how they worked

"Ok, ok i can do this" he whispered to himself grabbing the gears and wheel

He slowly shifted the gears and the plane began to move

He had gotten onto the runway and he had now gained quite a bit of speed. A smile appeared on his face as he had finally gotten a hang of it

Alex reached the near end of the runway and tried to pull up. However was was a slight issue the plane wasn't going up

"Shit" Alex grumbled frantically pulling the trigger

It was now going up slowly and straight in-front of him was a gasoline tank. Now he began to panic as he didn't know if he would make it on time

"Come on, shit shit shit. I'm not dying today" Alex said a bit louder now

Suddenly multiple men appeared from the warehouse

"Hey, hey thief!" One Russian shouted dragging out his gun to alert the other

"For fuck sake why does everything bad happen to me" Alex grunted in an annoyed tone

He tried lifting the plane and now if was riding higher and higher though that meant his was closer and closer to hitting the tank

"Pull up, pull up, PULL UP!" He screamed bow forcing the trigger lower and lower

The Russian men were gaining on him and he was so close to getting away, so he closed his eyes and raised his hands to the up, the plane began to float higher this time at a much faster rate

He then quickies lowered his hands and held the steering wheel, opening his eyes he saw that it worked

He had gotten away from the men and flew over the tank

"GUESS WHOSE COMING BACK BITCHES!" He screamed full of life

He didn't mind that the Russian men were still trying to shoot him he was free, his next mission after getting back to Hawkins is to come back for hopper but In order for him to do that he needed Joyce and Murray's help.

He removed one hand from the wheel and brought out his hands down his trousers to find the ring that he matched with Max

"I'm coming home Red." Alex whispered kissing the ring and placing it back on his finger

"I'm coming home."


Sorry there's not a lot here I'm having kinda a writers block and also the next next chapter is when The actual plot and the whole Eddie situation will commence...

Have fun, I'll be back😉

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