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"How many phones do you have?" Dustin asked as he hurried into the store Max and Alex closely behind

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin asked again, this time louder to stress his point.

"Two, why," Steve asks, not understanding with what the boy wanted.

"Technically three, if you count Keith's in the back." Robin adds, cutting Steve off.

Max turned to Dustin who nodded, "Yeah, three should work."

"Have you seen the news?" Steve asked, unaware of Alex's presence in the corner of the store.
He dug his fingers into his palm already wanting to leave the place

He had not seen Robin or Steve in a year maybe they didn't recognise him

I mean he did change a lot.

Dustin ignored Steve's question and threw his bag over the counter, sliding over right behind it.

"No, no, no!" Robin says, running over to the desk, "My tapes! Dude!"

"There's literally a customer right here" Steve nudging his head in Alex's direction

"Oh no that's just Alex" Dustin replied calmly

"Dustin stop joking around" Steve responded seriously

"Um he's not joking it's me, surprise I guess" Alex spoke up for the first time since they arrived

"Alex?" Robin said coming to take a closer look at the boy

His blue eyes stood out above everything else his hair still a bit long and and the tiny facial hair that remained on his face

"Holy shit!" Robin said hugging the boy

Steve stood shocked before attacking the boy with a hug. "where've you been man it's been a year?!" Worried for Alex who looked like he hadn't slept in days

" Look we can explain this another time right now we need to Set up a base of operations." Dustin answers plainly.

"Base of operations?" Robins asks, clearly confused.

Alex zoned out while Steve and Dustin went back and forth about them being here.

He didn't know who Chrissy was nor anyone in that high school. Matter of fact, he didn't even know what the hell happened only the short snippets that Dustin had mentioned on the way

Lucas wasn't here as he had left to his basketball team. Even though Alex never made the team with him the brunette boy was glad that his best friend at least did

"What do you even need it for?" Steve asked Dustin, still confused as to why the kids barged in one one of their busiest days

Max, still on the computer typing up names had not said a word to anyone including Alex so the boy just left

Alex walked out of the store and to a secluded area in the corner

As much as he wanted to focus on the situation with the Chrissy girl he couldn't help but think back to Hopper,

was he hurt, did he escape?

Was he dead-

Alex started hitting his head as if he could knock the horrid thoughts out of his head.

He sighed and shuffled through his pockets bringing out a cigarette pack something his supplier said 'eased the nerves' he lit the cigarette and put it between his lips already beginning to feel the relief from it

Meanwhile in the shop Dustin was still bickering with Steve

"Oh, Eddie. You're new best friends you think is cooler than me because he plays your nerdy game?" Steve asked, his jealousy spiking through as Max stepped beside Dustin.

"I never said that-" Dustin argues quickly, not trying to give Steve the wrong impression.

"Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around here , but it's a Saturday. It's our busiest day." Robin says, re-stacking her tapes on the desk.

"Look Robin, I totally empathise, but this cannot wait." Dustin says, his eyes glued to the screen.

"Oh my god," Steve rubbed his face, they looking in the direction of which Alex was before

"Guys where did Alex go?" The Harrington boy asked

As soon as he asked that Alex came back in definitely looking more relaxed than before though his eyes had become a faint colour of red

"I'm here just went to get some air" he said smiling lightly as he moved back to the corner of the store he stood at before

"We trying to contact Eddies friends" Dustin continued after making eye contact with Alex to make sure he was fine

"What, because calling all of Eddie's friends is an emergency?" Robin asks sarcastically.

"Correct!" Dustin snaps back.

"Want me to strangle him or you wanna go first?" Steve asked Robin

"We could take turns" she replied with a smile

"Alex could you fill them in while I do this?" Dustin asked the brunette boy who had been silent for majority of his time here

"Fill us in on what?" Robin asks them

Alex started, clearing his throat "This girl I think Chrissy she was the one who was murdered. Max said she saw her in the cheerleading outfit and she walked in with Eddie the night before-"

Steve cut him off "so Dustin you're telling me you replaced me with a murderer?" He asked baffled

"What No?! Steve nobody is replacing anyone and he's not a murderer just shut up and listen" Dustin said is a harsh tone tired of the accusations

"Dustins could be right, after I saw Eddie and Chrissy go in the trailer... something else happened."

"Like what?" Robin asked

"The tv went funny and the lights were flickering like crazy and then it stopped and I heard Eddie scream" Max explains "I looked out the window and ran to his car, he drove off so fast. And, I mean, Eddie always drives like a maniac and the power goes off at my place all the time it's a Piece of shit, but- I don't know, the look on his face.... He was scared maybe because he killed her maybe...maybe because-"

"Something else killed her." Steve finished looking around the room at everyone's worried face.

He just got back and now they have to deal with this shit Alex took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair partially annoyed at its length and the amount of times it got in his eyes but also as a coping mechanism to calm his anxiety

El wasn't here to help them and he couldn't do this by himself.


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