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Alex sat on the bed that he and Max had previously slept on the night before.

Max and Lucas had left for school so now if was only him

He eyes had shifted to the pills in his bag the addiction to have a few more was too strong, too strong for him to say no

I'm his mind a part of him convinced himself he needed them so he took them

He pulled out a cigarette as well,lighting it and put it against his mouth

He took one deep breath and felt the anxiety wash over him.

Slightly high Alex walked out of Maxs trailer not really knowing where he was going

"Shit" he mumbled ad he tripped on the pavement to the streets

All kids had left for school and parents for work so the place was pretty much empty

The brunette boy walked for around thirty minutes before sitting against a bus stop staring straight ahead

No thoughts travelled through his mind at that time, it was just him

If he were to be honest

He was tired

Tired of difficulty

Tired of pain

Tired of life

A part of him wished he didn't make it out of the Russian base, that he wouldn't have to worry anymore

A small tear ran down Alex's face. His face looked solemn yet his eyes told a completely different story

The longer he sat the the longer he questioned himself

He could tell the drugs had now begun to wear off and all of those thoughts came back.

Alex thought back to all the times of his depression, how anytime he was depressed he would only try for his friends and girlfriend

He never tried for himself

'Come on stay alive for Max, do it for her"

'They're waiting for you to come back Alex'

"You can't leave them Alex'

All of these memories came back in a flash

Images of what he had gone through. Yet never once in those situations was he afraid of dying

Thinking back since the time he met the party. He was genuinely never afraid of dying and that erupted a bad feeling inside of him.

What Alex was afraid of was his friends dying, being left alone in this world and it to be his fault.

That was something he truly feared


It was the next morning and Alex woke up in a cold sweat, he had this nightmare of Max And the party dying and blaming it all on him. He had slept the night at Lucas' house as he saw that Max wasn't at her trailer park at around 3:00 am in the morning

Lucas was already inside the kitchen with in his basketball jersey and he looked at the TV. It was playing a news broadcast.

"All eyes are now on the police for answers." said the woman reporting on the issue. "Is the new chief of police, Powell, in over his head? Or is he the very savior this town needs? We'll be here the rest of the day, right here on channel nine, where we'll keep you updated on all the latest developments. In the meantime, we recommend you keep your doors and windows locked tight. This is Beverly Moss, signing off for-"

"What happened?" asked Alex as he walked in slowly adjusting to the brightness of the room.Lucas immediately turned to him.

"They're talking bout the new chief." he answered. "Crimes gone up since he was put in charge."

"So he a Hopper wannabe? Got it." He said simply going to grab a coffee from their machine

"Pretty much-" Lucas said as the doorbell rang

Lucas got up to answer it. Alex ignored it as he knew nobody except max even knew he was alive so he just grabbed a croissant, leaning up against the counter as he continued to watch the news.

Lucas quickly rushed into the house signalling for Alex to hide and he quickly did so.
He reentered the house, Max and Dustin following not far behind him. Max was inconspicuously scouting out to see if Alex was their. While dustin was question Lucas on his suspiciousness

As the three left the kitchen Alex ran into the bathroom and hid in their praying Dustin wouldn't need to take a shit anytime soon

It has been thirty minutes and Alex was getting bored by the shouting and gasping he could tell whatever they were talking about was not good.

It wasn't that he didn't want to tell Dustin he was alive it's just he wanted to tell them as a whole

And as he begun to think about the party his mind moved back to el

He had been here for almost three days and was yet to see El yet.

He felt bad really as he had gone to see his girlfriend before his own sister

His thoughts were interrupted when the bathroom door began to open

"Shit shit shit shit" he said as he rushed to hold onto the door luckily for his super strength it wasn't difficult

"Dude your bathroom door won't open!" Dustin yelled across the house to Lucas

Dustin had let go of the door to call Lucas again however Alex was not aware of that

And as he was still pulling on the door he heard a loud crack and the door swung off its hinge's and fell right on-top of Alex

"For fucks sake!" He shouted completely forgetting about Dustin on the other side of the door

"LUCAS, LUCAS MAX GET IN HERE!" Dustin screamed now looking petrified as he still was unsure of what broke the door

Alex used his super strength and pulled the door upwards enough for him to get out

As he crawled out he saw Dustin standing there with Max and Lucas looking mortified

"What the absolute FUCK-"



Hey guys I wrote a chapter before but deleted it bc of a comment that make me come to my sense if I'm being honest😭

Hope you all enjoyed Dustin being reintroduced to Alex

I personally found it quite fun yet stupid to write 😋 giving you a bit of a break from the depression stuff in the first section sorry for that.

Back to what a reader told me. I tried to rush Alex back into school and it was ruining the flow so I deleted it and redid it

This is not a conformation chapter that I will be posting continuously it is still gonna be on and off

But spring break I'll try write as many chapters as humanly possible

Sorry for the long break

Luv to all u guys and gals reading my story

Don't forget to vote!

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