Prologue: The new girl.

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My name is Once-ler. Today is the day I am going to leave home. My ever so supportive family had been mocking my plans to leave since my brother managed to encourage me to tell him. I only had my Dad's old wagon and Melvin, a mule I took in years ago. He was just about my only friend. My dad wasn't with us anymore. Oh, he hadn't passed away, he just left one day. I was really young when it happened. I don't know why he left or where to, but maybe that's why I wanted to leave so badly. I was often told I was just like that 'idiot dreamer who never amounted to anything'. I really wished my mom didn't talk about him like that. With a heavy sigh I grabbed my bags and carried them downstairs. A few insults were flung my way but I ignored them. After packing up the last of my things I looked around and sighed.

"That girl isn't coming," Bret, my brother, scoffed.

"Huhuh, yeah that girl doesn't belong with a loser like you."

"She's still got time. And I know she's gonna come, and you'll see!" I said angrily.

This is where I should go back to the start. It was the beginning of my senior year of high school. Picture this a normal town, Linvale. Its kind of in the middle of nowhere. It was just one more year until I could get out of here. It was just a boring town that wouldn't support my dream of becoming an inventor. I already had my product, too. It was called a thneed it had a million and one uses. Surely it was going to be something everyone would need! I stood awkwardly at the entrance of school. This place gave me anxiety. I had my books tucked under my arm when both of my brother's slammed into me on either side. My books and papers scattered on the ground.

"Watch where you're going!" Bret laughed.

"Huh, burn!" Chet chimed in.

The high fived each other and walked inside. I grimaced as I knelt down to pick up my things. Those two were a pain at home, but somehow they were even worse at school. The bell for class started ringing. Another year, another first day late to class. My brothers are lucky I am a pacifist. Still I sighed as I picked up my things. After this year, just 180 days, I can leave and I will start my own business or something. Just before I stood up a handful of papers burst into my view.

"Are these also yours?" a soft voice asked

"Yes, thank you. I'm going to be late, excuse me," I muttered.

"Me too!"

I tried to hurry away to get to class, but I saw her. This girl I had never seen before. I never believed in love at first sight. Maybe because a lot of the girls in school made fun of me also. But this girl, I couldn't say a word when I saw her. Her light blonde hair was braided neatly. She wore a white skirt with a darker blue top. My eyes met with her bright green eyes and she smiled at me. Like an idiot I dropped everything on the ground again. She knelt down to help me up.

"N-no! I got this. I'm sorry," I blurted.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Y-yeah, just gonna be late."

"Your face is really red, you sure you are feeling okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just stupid."

"No you're not. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

"Listen, I'm guessing you are new here. You'll catch on quick but I'm probably not someone you should be talking to."

"Why's that?"

She was smiling even when she asked that. It was unbearably cute but I picked up my things. Why was she being so nice to me anyway? In a few days or so she would be just like everyone else. Making jokes at my expense, or pretending I don't exist. I huffed as I stood up tucking my things into my bag.

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