The start of a new year!

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The next morning I walked into school. My brothers would probably beat me up whether or not I talked to Fleur. So I decided to ignore their suggestion we don't talk. She was at her locker. I smiled at her as I got closer.

"Hey Fleur," I said.

"Hey Once-lerrrr," her voice hung onto the end of my name for a moment, "what happened to your face?!"

"Oh this, right. I, uh, overheard my brothers talking to you yesterday. I guess they weren't so happy about you turning them down."

"That was asking a girl out?"

"Apparently, I wouldn't be so cheesy about it."

"Oh? How would you ask me out then?"

I stopped thinking for a minute, maybe longer, and just stared at her. Was she trying to get me to ask her out? No, this was just conversation. Oh god, she is staring right at me. This was bad I couldn't think of a thing to say. Say something, anything, she might just say yes.

"I, er, you, movies are a thing," I blurted.

"Yes, they are," she responded with a laugh.

Oh god, I'm such an idiot. What girl would ever date someone who asked them out like that? Not someone like her.

"You know, that's still way better than your brothers."

"You're sayin' lil Wuntsy is good at some thing that isn't girly?" Bret laughed.

His arm slammed on the lockers between Fleur and myself. She rolled her eyes at him as she grabbed another book out of her locker. She slammed it shut.

"One of you did that to him?" she asked, "you must be strong."

"Heh, yeah, I am."

"It's too bad I hate guys who pick on others so much."

With a flick of her hair she walked past both of us. The scent of her hair wafted past us as she headed to homeroom. I was wearing a stupid grin on my face. Bret grabbed me by the shirt and slammed me against the locker. I flinched out of habit but he just stared down the hall at Fleur as she opened the door to homeroom.

"You're lucky I'm trying to cut back on beating you up," he huffed.

"Bret. She and I are just friends, but you and Chet are popular. You could have any girl. Why wouldn't you just let me have this one thing? It's not even a thing."

"Shuddup, loser."

He let go of me and walked to class. I opened my locker and grabbed some of my books. Today I wasn't late so that was a plus. Fleur was reading a book when I walked in. She put it down when I sat down next to her.

"So wanna meet again before lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. It's really nice, wanna go outside today?" she asked.

"That sounds good."

"Can I come?" Connor asked, spinning around with a smile.

"I don't mind," I replied.

"Of course!" Fleur beamed.

And that was the beginning of a new year. My brothers didn't like that their friends were hanging out with us more, but who cares? For once I wasn't treated like crap everyday. I know Fleur could tell how things were before she got here. But I don't know if she realized how many people really appreciated her. Not just the popular kids, but people from all groups were friends with her. Within a month our lunch group spanned two tables. And we all talked. People who made fun of me before actually apologized for not getting to know me. I had a group of friends now. To be honest, I never expected this! There was a dance coming up the next week. It wasn't a formal thing, but I wanted to ask Fleur to go with me. Before lunch I found Fleur waiting for me at her locker. She waved excitedly at me as I headed over.

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