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My eyes slowly opened to darkness. No matter how hard I squinted, or felt for my surroundings, I couldn't figure out where I was. Whatever I was laying on, if you could call it that, was the only thing I could feel. Maybe I just assumed I was laying down. I sat up and sighed. It was quiet here, just like I wanted, right? Then why did I still feel like something hurt, like I was missing something?

"Heeeyy idiot," a voice said.

"Idiot?" I asked.

Some sort of light filled the room. Two familiar figures stood nearby. Immediately my eyes filled with tears. Both Rachel and Ian were standing there.

"The idiot girl returns," Rachel laughed.

"Stop calling me an idiot," I pouted.

"Then stop being one. You said you wouldn't do this again."

"Am I dead?"

"How are we supposed to know? We're just in your head, right?" Ian asked.

"Erm, I'm not sure. If I died then wouldn't you be real?"

"Well that all depends on your school of thought," he laughed.

I smacked my forehead out of frustration. Why did I miss these two again? Ian walked over and flicked me in the forehead. His eyes met with mine.

"Did you really never notice?" he asked.

"Notice what?"

"What I did that night..."

"Got drunk? No, I remember that."

Rachel laughed from behind him. He shot her a glare that caused her to stop.

"You froze, remember?"

"Of course, if I actually did something, you two..."

His hand covered my mouth. He sighed deeply.

"I shoved the wheel to the left. I didn't turn it the other way because it would have hit you head on."


"You have blamed yourself when it was my fault. I've come to terms with Rachel."

"Yeah, guess I'm okay being dead," she said mockingly.

"Oh my god, not now woman!"

He sighed and sat next to me. I was replaying that night in my head. I know the wheel moved. That was something I remembered, but that was me moving it right?

"Are you just saying this because you want me to feel better?"

"Alright, kid..."

"Kid?" I huffed.

"Yes, kid. You're not really alive right now, you're not really dead. You kinda put yourself in limbo."

"That doesn't make sense."

"You're thick," Rachel said.

Ian snapped his fingers. The scene around us changed. I was in a car, a very familiar one, at a four way intersection. After looking to make sure it was clear I started driving. A few miles down the road headlights appeared. They swerved in and out of our lane multiple times. I could feel myself getting nervous. We got closer and I saw the car staying in their lane, I let out a breath of relief. Just before we passed the car it started to come back towards us. I remember my whole body tensed up. The headlights shone brightly on us. My eyes closed tight. I waited for impact.

The Last Year (Once-ler x OC)Where stories live. Discover now