The Last Night.

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The next few weeks moved by quickly.  Once-ler and I planned our trip on the weekends.  The majority of the week I spent studying.  If I didn't pass my finals I wouldn't be going anywhere.  And I didn't want to stay in this town any longer.  My mom and Roger officially got engaged.  He was really hoping to surprise her, but I kind of ruined his chance.  They had gone away one weekend.  Although my mom tried to act surprised she didn't do a very good job.  Either way they seemed to be happy.  It was the last Wednesday before graduation when my mom convinced me to go to buy a dress for Prom.  I honestly didn't want to go, but both she and Once-ler insisted I did.  I gave up they weren't going to let me say no.  So we went to a store in town.  I tried on a bunch of dresses and hated most of them.  The stupid scar on my chest stood out.

"Fleur, just pick one.  The dance is this Friday," she said exhausted from shopping.

"Look, I'm going to have all these pictures with a giant scar right here!" I pointed at it.

"I don't think Once-ler minds, why do you?"

"I don't know.  It just looks ugly!"

"Ya know it's what is under the dress that Once will care about."

The woman helping us shop chuckled.  I turned a deep shade of red and hurried back into the fitting room.  Even though I wanted to be mad, I couldn't help but realize there was a mild truth to her words.  The last dress to try on was the one I liked the best.  It had a singled strap over my left shoulder that covered the scar.  The soft pink cloth hugged my torso, but flowed out just above my knees.  I spun around examining the dress before walking out of the fitting room.  My mom agreed it looked really good.  She made a few other comments I wish she hadn't.  Yes, they involved Once-ler.  I shook my head to the side.

"Say what you want you have to buy this dress," I snickered.

She immediately stopped making jokes.  I took a picture of myself in the dress and sent it to Once-ler.  The dress hung over the door.  The saleswoman and my mom went to the register.  As I pulled my normal clothes back on I got a text back from Once-ler.

Wow, it looks beautiful.  I can't wait to see you in it. ;D

A soft laugh escaped my lips.  For the first time since that accident I was really excited for the Prom.  I hurried up to the front where my mom was waiting for me with the dress in her hand.  I thanked the saleswoman for her time.  We headed outside and got into the car.  My mom was happy I found something I really liked.  When we got home I took the dress upstairs.  I hung it in my closet and jumped on the bed.  The books and notes I had organized scattered onto the floor.  I didn't care about studying anymore.  All I could think about was graduating, the dance, and traveling with Oncie.  Tomorrow was the start of finals.  At some point I drifted off to sleep, excited for our future to begin.

The next morning I woke to my mom yelling up the stairs.  My alarm never went off.  Probably because I was too lost in my thoughts to set it last night.  I grabbed my books after getting dressed quickly.  My mom was waiting for me.  Since the car was pretty much totaled after the accident we had to share a car.  She pulled up outside of school.

"Good luck, Fleur.  I know you'll do well," she smiled.

"Thanks, mom.  I'll call you on the walk home and let you know how I did."

"Have a good day, be safe."

"I'll try, love you, mom!"

"Love you too, Fleur."

The bell was ringing as I hurried into the school.  Connor laughed at me as I stumbled into homeroom.  I placed my books on the table at the front of the room.  The teacher smiled at me as I hurried to my seat.

The Last Year (Once-ler x OC)Where stories live. Discover now