Sorry isn't enough.

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I ate a little bit of food before one of the nurses came in. She messed with some of the medications I was receiving through iv. I was scheduled for some pain killers. They said it would help with the initial pain over the next few days. The medicine started to flow into my body, and it didn't take long for me to be affected by them. I couldn't stop laughing for a few minutes. Once-ler gave me an odd sort of look. It wasn't long after that my mom and Roger returned.

"Did you guys buy me a unicorn?" I asked barely able to contain a laugh.

"What?" Roger and Once-ler asked in unison.

"She got the good stuff," my mom joked, "bets on how long she stays awake?"

"I wanna play," I pouted.

"What do you wanna play?" Once-ler asked enjoying this conversation.

"Oh, I think you know."

It took a moment for me to give an awkward wink. My face over exaggerated the motion of winking as if my muscles forgot how to work. His face became bright red. I was going to pass out in a few moments and not have to explain that comment to my mom. But Once-ler might not be so lucky. The conversation ended abruptly as I had fallen asleep rather suddenly.

I coughed nervously as Fleur seemed to fall asleep rather quick after. Her mother didn't make anything of the comment. It was getting late. I thought I should probably head home at some point to keep Bret from getting suspicious. But I didn't want to leave Fleur's side. I mean, I'd have to go to school on monday, right? But I couldn't bear the thought of seeing Maya again. I stayed overnight with Fleur. She didn't wake up much or for very long. Her mom and Roger headed home, but I just wasn't ready to leave yet. It was early in the morning that I woke up suddenly. Fleur had her back to me. But I could hear a muffled sobbing. I thought she was asleep from her medications. I put my hand on her shoulder and she jumped slightly.

"Fleur, are you okay?" I whispered.

"Y-yeah," she said with a sniffle.

"You're a terrible liar."

She rolled over and looked at me. Her face glistened in the faint light from the moon coming through the window. I ran my hands through her hair.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just woke up and started crying."

"Are you upset about what you did to yourself?"

"Kinda," she muttered from behind a pillow.

"Well, you're here. You should be happy."

"I know. I should feel happy, but I just don't. Whatever that experience I had was, I'm glad I had the realizations I did, but..."

"But what?"

"It still hurts. This feeling deep down just hurts. Part of it is because of what I did. The other because of what I put you all through."

"Fleur, we all love you so much. It might be hard to move past these feelings, but I know your family is going to be there for you. And I will be too."

"Once-ler, I'm so sorry."

I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I pulled the chair closer as our hands intertwined. She cried for a little longer, but said nothing else. I had no idea what I could say to her. So I stayed by her side until she fell back asleep. Tomorrow, I would have to go home. Though it pained me to leave her I knew she was safe here. Her mother would be around. Tomorrow she was scheduled to see a therapist. That would probably be best since I can't offer her the help she needed. I could tell her all day things would be okay, but sometimes it's hard to understand that. I know I used to have days like that before I met her. While she was sleeping I watched her for a bit. She looked peaceful for once. It wasn't long before I had fallen asleep as well. The next morning I woke to Fleur pushing me off of her arm. I sat up abruptly, my eyes half open.

The Last Year (Once-ler x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant