Changes in status.

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After the movie ended we went downstairs. She grabbed stuff to make sandwiches. Her mom popped in the kitchen while we were eating. She had to run some errands and asked if I wanted a ride home. Even though I really didn't want to go home, I had to at some point. Fleur cleaned up the food and dishes. We headed out to the car afterwards. Roger had already left while we watched the movie. Fleur offered me the front seat and sat in the back. I lived just outside the main part of town. My house looked more like it was on a farm. Fields expanded all around our tiny house. Her mom pulled up to the front of the house. I caught her looking at the decrepit car that had started falling apart. This house never really embarrassed me as much as it did today. Their house was nice and well kept. Where as this old farmhouse looked like it might collapse on itself at any time.

"Thanks for the ride. I appreciate it," I said.

"It's nice out here. I bet you can see all the stars at night," Fleur said.

"Yeah it's nice out here."

I noticed Bret and Chet glaring outside from behind a curtain. Apparently, I wasn't the only person who saw them. Fleur's mom put her hand on my shoulder.

"If anything else happens. Or you get hurt in anyway again. Just call us. You're welcome to stay with us anytime."

Fleur's eyes shifted over to her mom. I wasn't aware how many times her mom had seen children that were treated poorly in their old town. Apparently her mom had even had kids taken away from their families for some of the things she had seen done. Fleur told her how my mother reacted on the phone. It was a classic symptom of a lot of the abusive families she came across. I looked at her and smiled.

"Thanks, but it's nothing I haven't dealt with before," I said.

"The offer will be there," Fleur chimed in, "she won't take no as an answer on this one."

"Well, thank you."

I got out of the car and waved thankfully to them. Fleur had jumped up to the front seat. Before she got in she gave me a big hug. Even though I wanted to kiss her it just felt awkward with her mom right there in the car. I walked toward the door waving one last time before heading inside. The door shut behind me as I leaned against it for a moment.

"You got us detention all week," Bret snapped.

"Oh no. That was your own doing. You punched Fleur in the face."

"She got in the way," Chet exclaimed, getting a dirty look from Bret, "trying to protect you for some reason."

"Yeah. Must be because she likes me. How does it feel knowing she likes me and not either of you? It feels pretty good to me."

Neither of them said a thing as I walked through the house. I couldn't shake the smile from my face. Melvin was grazing out back. I went into the barn and started cleaning out his stall and refilling his food and water. There was nothing that was going to shake this good feeling, not today.

I jumped in the front seat after giving Oncie a hug. I was worried about his brothers picking on him. Everyone was talking online about how Chet punched me in the face. They were losing popularity so quickly. I hadn't heard from Maya. Multiple times since last night I considered trying to make amends with her. I don't know if she'd even listen. Especially if she knew Oncie spent the night. Not like we did anything. I sighed staring out the window as the expansive fields slowly became littered with buildings and homes.

"I like him," mom said finally.

"Yeah, he's a good guy."

"What's on your mind?"

The Last Year (Once-ler x OC)Where stories live. Discover now